Wednesday, March 11, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Feb.5

Tuesday -
Feb. 5, 1980

Dearest Family -

The weeks pass by so quickly - seems like we just mailed a letter to you and we're overdue again.  Afraid the groundhog saw his shadow last Saturday so we are in for six more weeks of winter - but hasn't been all that bad yet.  There is snow on the ground and we've had cold weather but not near as bad as the winter before.  (So I hear.)  Had a full week with square dancing on three nights - one was our regular lesson and two dances where they encouraged us to use some of our hard-earned knowledge from the practice sessions.  All were fun but they sure do dress up with the extra full slips, matching outfits for husband and wife, etc.  We were definitely in the minority without all the frills but had a good time anyway.

Sunday morning we left here about 8 A.M. as the Sankers had invited us down for the day.  MV stayed home as her MYF were going to the nursing home in Sabina that afternoon.  We attended the 9:30 A.M. service at the Hyde Park Methodist Church, which is one of the larger churches in the West Ohio Conference with close to 3,000 members.  They had had this same minister for a good 20 years and he is still good (naturally).  There was time for refreshments at 10:30, then a class meeting and then the Prime Singles (those over 45, etc.) had a program at 12:30 on investments and they had a big turnout for that, so it was after two before we got back to the Sankers.  The Sankers are going out to Phoenix next week to see their son and hopefully Roberta also.  The Howard Uibles also live in this Hyde Park area.

Friday we had a little party for Fred Hughes, who is going to take time off at least until it warms up and he then is going to work on making the old mill building more usable.  Howard Wolfrum has taken over, who I think has a lot of potential as he has both ability and interest.  Fred had been there for 22 years and can't recall his taking off for more than a week in all those years.  He did tell me they plan to go to Florida eventually.

Mary Virginia started the classwork for her driver's license this week - two hours a night for four nights and then after her birthday comes the driving part.  I understand that the parallel parking is no longer required.  The East Clinton Band is having different projects to raise money for the Washington D.C. trip - such as a rockathon, auction and a 1% of sales at different business places.  The trip is at the end of March.

Saturday morning I went to the Republican meeting, or rather a brunch with the candidates and the Committee present . . . about 40 of us there, including our congressional aspirant, Bob McEwen and two incumbent state Senators.  We will be in NYC when they are having the Lincoln Day Dinner, but then the pancake supper the following weekend is more our speed.

It is now Wednesday - and I (Mama) had planned to go to Columbus with Mrs. Howard the librarian in Sabina today but a number of complications have come up and we aren't going until later.  We have had more snow and East Clinton is the only school again to be operating on regular schedule - the other county systems are on one hour delay and Wilmington is out for the day.  It is beautiful, the snow that is!!

Serena, I found another part of your sweeper which we somehow missed when we took the rest over to you - sorry about that.  If you can't use the rest without it we will send it to you - just let us know.  Also thought you might be interested that we got tickets for THE ELEPHANT MAN but for some reason I was under the impression it was a musical which it certainly isn't and wonder how appealing it may be after reading more about it.  Also got tickets to Oklahoma - Mary Virginia wanted to see ANNIE again but since she had seen it in Columbus decided against it.  There is a special matinee that Monday we are in NYC as it is a holiday.

(Dad is going to have the check this typewriter as it seems to be on stencil and no matter what I move I can't change the lightness.)

Va. Walker was to go back to school today for a half day - also is her birthday.  She is on insulin now and doing better.  Jacalyn finally got a job (teaching) and is most happy about that.

Sorry this is hard to read.

[Love, etc.]

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