Tuesday, March 03, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Jan.29

Tuesday - 
Jan. 29, 1980
Dearest Family --
Thinking about both the birthday girls - Catherine and Carol and though this won't reach them in time for their birthdays just want you both to know we have special wishes for you both not forgetting our other birthday daughter of the month - Serena.  And Mary Virginia isn't letting us forget the next month's big day when she will be eligible to apply for her driving permit.  They did call today and say that they are giving lessons next week through the driving school in Wilmington.  She has to be over there from 7-9 PM from Monday through Thursday and then after her birthday will take the actual driving part of it.

Thought you all might be interested in the clipping from the Blanchester paper about Dad.  More people have commented on it and Dad never had mentioned anything about it here at home that it was coming out.

Really appreciated the clipping about Wickenburg ranches you sent Roberta and in the same mail were the pictures that Rob took while in Arizona which were real good too.  I don't know how many may duplicate what Catherine and Gerry took but hope that you all see them eventually.  Maybe we can get a round-robin letter with them included.

Chicago is in the news about their teachers' troubles and no pay - no work - also the storm of two years ago is much discussed.  We have a wee bit of snow on the ground but nothing compared to the many inches then that paralyzed so much of this area.  The flu has been rough on many people - especially school attendance - way over 100 out in New Vienna alone a couple of weeks ago.  Mrs. Curtis said one day she had only 9 of her class there.  Chicken pox is also going around.  Carol Wise said after Lori had it, Mark developed a high fever, nothing more but Michael broke out (no fever at all and not sick.

Friday evening Mrs. Allemang and Mrs. Curtis (Roseanna Wills) had a shower for Eileen Fisher Cline but the guest of honor didn't make it as she went to the hospital that day and had a 6½ pound baby boy which they named after both grandfathers - William Earl and plan to call him Will.  Eileen called during the party and several of us got to talk to her.

Our square dancing lessons are continuing and the Harners (Orville and Melba) are attending our group as well as the ones in Washington Court House and they even plan to go to the state convention in May.  Several other couples are going and they asked us but it runs close to the time of the Ohio Bar meeting in Cleveland so renigged (Spelling? [actually should be reneged]) this time.  Enjoyed a letter from Grandma which included ones from Joe and Aunt Mary as well.  The Sr. Hortons are thinking of going to Saudi Arabia in April at Joe's invitation but nothing definite yet.  Sounds like a wonderful opportunity before things get too hectic in that part of the world.  Joe doesn't get any news to speak of concerning disturbances in his own area - NY Herald Tribute nor Time magazine were sold week there had been demonstrations in Eastern Saudi Arabia.  His letter was dated Dec. 30th and he stated "all is calm here . . . you know more what is happening in the Middle East than we do."  He is to move into temporary quarters on Feb. 20th until his new apartment is finished when he will be located on the 3rd floor and face outward.  "With all my art junk, it will be difficult moving twice but the extra effort will be worth it."

Serena, we have been using your placemats, which gives us the appearance of a new table.  Heard on the radio where Chicago was having its first below zero day of the year.  The Hauses are going to Fla. for two weeks this weekend.  Virginia Walker is in Clinton Memorial because of her "sugar problem".  With MV taking piano lessons in the area west of the hospital it makes a good combination of visiting the hospital at the same time.  Mrs. Armintrout and M.V. seem to be getting along fine in the practicing.

Virginia Walker had to go to insulin to control her sugar diabetes which they just discovered this fall.  She really looked bad before she went in the hospital.  Jack was there visiting last night when we stopped. . . .

[Love, etc.]

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