Sunday, March 08, 2020

1990 Family Letter -Feb.

[Feb 1990]

Dearest Family -

We have talked to all of you this past week and glad to hear that everything is going well with all of you.  Serena went back to work on Thursday for a half day and planned to do that much or more on Friday so that is good news.  Catherine and Wendy were getting ready to have Grandma and the Kings for dinner this evening after attending an overnight program at the library.  Those sleep-overs can be "killers" when they do hit you so hope you are able to rest up on Sunday.  We were happy to receive the picture of Jessica Louise Lopez [Dee's oldest, born Dec. 1989] - I'm sure Gerry and Catherine and of course Wendy are anxious to see Dee Dee and her family in person now.  She'll be further from her mother if they move to San Francisco area - hope they are able to get naval housing there.

Mary Virginia's change of plans for an earlier wedding date was a shock to all of us and hope that it works out well for the rest of the family to come then.  The Morgans are the least sure for they had planned a summer vacation around the August date.

Had a nice chat with John but doubt if we are able to see him on our way to or from New York and it is really best for us to go by way of Cincinnati but thanks for thinking about Dad and the seminar.  That was really a beautiful card too that we received and appreciated the thoughts.

I don't see how Roberta and Sid manage everything with their heavy schedules and their extra guests - Grandma and Beethoven but the latter are company for each other.  Be sure to get extra help if you need it.

This isn't fancy but wanted you to know that we are thinking about all of you even though we didn't invest in fancy Valentines.  It was special us all getting together during the holidays and hope that it won't be so long before we do it again.

This evening was the so called annual meal the NV Lions puts on - we have always had pancakes, but this year changed to a pork chop dinner.  Had about 350 people turn out and it seemed to go well.  The NV Emergency Squad had a campaign underway to raise about $60,000 to buy a new ambulance and they were there with a demonstrator unit.  They have a volunteer staff of 23 people, all in bright red outfits.

We notice the Spring flowers are poking thru the ground, but it is too early to put the snow shovel away.  We have had a lot of orders come to Wells recently and are working one department 24 hours a day.  The FAX machine gets a lot of use.

We took the Kings technique and got two 69¢ "For Sale" signs and put them on the '78 Pontiac, had a phone call within a half hour, got the asking price and the next day took the money to the bank.  The best part was getting 60% more than what a car dealer had offered.  Did all of you have a chance to read the article in the 12/89 Reader's Digest about buying a car?  Very interesting and profitable.

[The following added to John's copy of the letter]

John, thanks for the brochure on the 2/15 meeting - sorry it conflicts w/our going to N.Y.C. - hopefully you can get some notes for me.  Will there be future meetings?

Jane Ann C. & her parents gave us your greetings.  Jane Ann was @ the Lions Club dinner last night.

Are you going "west" next weekend?  MV will be here overnight & has meeting in London, Ohio re the Summer Music program @ Ohio Northern, where she will be in charge of the music.

Mother & Dad

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