Monday, March 30, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Mar.2

Sunday afternoon
Dear Family,

It's a beautiful sunny afternoon . . . the kind of weather I'm in Arizona for!!!  But according to the weather man another storm is to come through here tomorrow.  All this past week we had really nice weather.  Got up to 75 or 80 during the day and cool and night.  Sure nice weather to ride the bikes in.  Marion is still using her bike every day for getting back and forth to school.  Scottsdale schools have started a bus system that will pick up teachers at the ASU stadium in the AM and then drive them back there in the afternoon.  But that was taking like two hours . . . and turned out to be worse on her back than riding the bike.

Marion keeps her bike right up front in her classroom.  She says that all the kids really like it.  Guess she has a couple of boys carry it down the steps for her and she leaves a minute before the bell rings to go home.  There is a ramp at the side of the building she uses in the AM to get it into the building.  She says that once the temporary bridges are built she will continue to use the bike.  Sure save the money on gas -- it will be almost two weeks since we filled up the truck -- and it still has some half of a tank full.  I use my bike everyday for work . . . we use the truck solely for running around at night.

[Love, Roberta]

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