Tuesday, March 10, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -Feb.4

Monday, February 4, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  We are having a beautiful day today with the temperature around 60º and lots of sunshine.  Yesterday was similar with the high around 55.  Maybe spring is here - the ground hog didn't see his shadow anyway.

We had a short weekend since Gerry had to work on Saturday and I had a UMW executive meeting on Saturday morning.  Yesterday I was worship leader at church and Perry got the flu and wasn't able to be there so I had to do even more than usual.  Someone else gave the sermon and I did all the other stuff.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Smith Rocks which is about 4 miles east of Terrebonne and went hiking.  It is really beautiful there.  We hiked along the river (Crooked River - the same one that has such a big gorge that the highway crosses between Madras and Redmond) and the cliffs rise just a few feet away.  One section of cliff is called the Red Wall as all the rocks are a real deep red color.  It's a place we'll have to be sure and go to when you are here next.  Wendy hiked along pretty well.  We didn't have to carry her as much as I thought we might.  Nearby is a country store called Juniper Junction which is a combination Book Store and ice cream parlor.  We bought a book called "60 Hiking Trails in Central Oregon Cascades".  Hopefully we will have a chance to check a few of them out this summer.  That is one reason we would like to be out of these apartments by summer time so we could have more time to ourselves.

This evening I'm going out to collect money for the March of Dimes.  Patty, the dentist's wife who lives just down the street is going with me and we have the neighborhood adjoined this one so we won't have to go too far away from home.

Right now I am fixing some of Mother's famous vegetable soup for our supper.  I just put the meat and bones on to boil about ½ hour ago.

Wendy is talking more every day.  She says quite a few words that neither Gerry or I can figure out.  She keeps right on saying them so maybe we'll catch on sooner or later.  One of the sentences she came out with lat week when she went into a dark room was "It's dark on me."  She usually manages to make here feelings known one way or the other.

I need to get back out to the parking lot and do some more sweeping so I better close.  One of our tenants just told me that the Almanac says we are supposed to get two bad storms in February so I better work while the weather is good.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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