Sunday, March 15, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -Feb.11

February 11, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  We were glad to receive you letter on Saturday, and to talk to you on Friday, Mother.  We had a nice long weekend since Gerry had Saturday off.  We took Wendy to the babysitter on Saturday morning and we went hiking out in the country near Grizzly Butte which is about 20 miles southeast of Madras.  It was very muddy but not an unpleasant hike with the temperature around 35º.

Yesterday we went to Sisters and to Bend.  We had lunch at our favorite pizza place in the area which is in Sisters and then looked around at the stores there.  We bought Wendy a little Mexican chair that she took a fancy to.  It is not what you would call high quality furniture but the price was only $4.95.  Then in Bend we had to buy Wendy a new pair of shoes as her old ones had worn all the way through the toe (we  bought them the last of October).  Kinney's is about the only children's shoe store in Bend and they only had one pair in her size (7) so we didn't have alot of selection.  We also went to the Western Trails Factory Outlet store -- their primary thing is down jackets but they also carry pants, shirts, boots and other odds and ends.  Gerry and I each bought a pair of hiking boots at $27.00 each.  They are real nice -- I have been wearing mine this morning to help break them in and they are quite comfortable.  I spent your birthday money on mine which still leaves me some to buy the books with -- all the book stores were closed yesterday so I wasn't even able to look around.

Wendy is playing at her friend's house this morning.  We have a new arrangement where he comes here one Monday morning and she goes to his house on the next Monday.  At any rate it is now time for me to go pick her up so I'll continue this letter after we get back.

We have several things planned for this week.  Tomorrow night at 5:00 at the High School, our congressman, Al Ullman is having a public meeting which I am planning to attend and Gerry has to go to the Elks Investigating Committee as he is sponsoring a new member this month.  Wednesday is the Red Cross Blood Drive and Thursday I have a dentist appointment.  also Thursday night the church is having a Sweetheart Dinner, sponsored by the UMW, followed by games and singing so that ought to be fun.  Each couple is supposed to bring a single person with them so that no one will be left out.  We invited one of the older ladies but she isn't sure yet whether she'll be able to come.

We hope you have a good time in New York.  We'll be anxious to hear the details.  We watched Saturday Night Fever on HBO last night which takes place in Brooklyn and we were thinking how much different it would be to live there as opposed to Madras.

We got notice last week that the etage that we ordered has now come in and they will be shipping it to us soon so we are awaiting its arrival.  There is nothing new on the housing scene that appeals t us but we are still keeping our eyes open.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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