Saturday, January 04, 2020

1989 Wendy's Letter -Nov.14

November 14, 1989
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

How are you?  I'm fine.  We got our report cards back.  I did pretty good.  I got one 1 minus that was in reading.  Other than that I got all ones.  We also got our pictures.  I'm not sending one because I want to give it to you in person.  Today we had a substitute.  If you didn't already know I am in Chorus and we will be giving a winter concert in December.  I hope you will be able to come. 

How is the weather in New Vienna?  It's cooling down here.  But it's still hot in the afternoons.  How is great-grandma?  We bought grandpa a Christmas present.  We're still looking for Grandma though.  I wouldn't worry though we'll find one for you.

The hottest band right now is New Kids on the Block.  I've got lots of posters of them and all three of their tapes.  Wait till you see my room it looks really good.  I can't wait till you come out next month.  Me and mom are planning lots of stuff for us to do.  It's going to be lots of fun.  Well I gotta go.

your Loving 
Wendy Jean Morgan

P.S. Write back

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