Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1969 Catherine's Letter to John -Dec.1

Münster, Germany     December 1, 1969
Dear John,

Hi!  I was really glad to get your letter and also the stamps.  They will be nice to give Vatti for Christmas.  I'm sure he would appreciate canceled stamps too so if you have any from jack letters you might send them.  So far I have spent 10.35 DM (~$3.00) on stamps for you and I'm sure there are plenty I haven't sent you yet.  Maybe I can get you some over Christmas from some other countries.  I will be traveling through Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.  It's a good thing we have three weeks to do it in.

Sunday morning I went to the Evangelistic Church which is about as far away from home as the Methodist Church is in New Vienna.  Unfortunately I was a little late as I didn't go until 11:00 and the services began at 9:45.  I was in time for Sunday School but it is only for kids your age or younger.  I did go back in the evening for a special Advent music service.  It was nice except I should have sat nearer the candles (the only source of heat).  It's pretty bad when you sit in your coat and gloves and are still cold.

In the schools here children must decide when they are 10 years old whether they want to go to the University.  If they do they go to one school which lasts until they are 20 before they start in the university.  Otherwise they go to a vocational or special trade school and are finished at 17 or 18.  Before starting the Univ. they study German (of course), 7 years of English, 4 years of both French and Latin, and also math, science, and history.  Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Tell Serena I will be answering her letter soon.  I was also glad to hear from Mrs. Walker again.  My love to everyone.

Love, Catherine

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