Thursday, January 30, 2020

1979 Catherine's Letter -Dec.10

Monday, December 10, 1979

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Wendy is taking a nap, Gerry has gone to the co-op and I have the laundry in the drier so there are a few spare moments here.

We got our reservations changed so that we will now be arriving in Phoenix at 7:30 on the 26th.  I'm sorry we won't be there for Christmas Day but the 26th is pretty close.  We know how tough it is for Roberta to wait even until Christmas Day to open her presents so we won't expect you to wait for us.

We have ordered a microwave through the co-op as a Christmas present to ourselves.  They will take it out of Gerry's pay month by month after he starts back to work.  It is a Sharp with a revolving tray or whatever inside.  We checked it out in Consumer Reports and it seemed to be OK.  Our other option was GE but it costs more and didn't rate as well by Consumer Reports.  It is to arrive next Monday -- the same day we leave so we will look forward to using it when we return.

This week should go quickly for us.  We are leaving for Milwaukie [Oregon] right after I get done with bowling on Wednesday to spend the night at the Motel 6 in Lake Oswego.  We will be seeing some new territory around Portland at any rate.  Gerry's appointment is at 8:00.  Then Thursday night Gerry has Elks and I have installation of new officers at the UMW.  Friday we are planning to do our last minute errands and get the house cleaned up so we can take it easy over the weekend and get ready to leave on Monday.  Tomorrow night Ron & Georgette (who lived across from us in the green apartments) have invited us over for dinner.  I guess we will be celebrating Gerry's birthday on Sunday.  Also on Sunday is Breakfast with Santa at the church and also the Elks Christmas Party for the children during the afternoon.

I have about ⅔ of our Christmas Cards done.  I bought some more stamps at the post office today and filled out the form so they will hold our mail while we are gone.  Hopefully I can get the cards done in the next few days.

Well, it is almost time for the clothes to come out of the drier so I better close.  I'll be talking to you soon.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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