Saturday, January 11, 2020

1949 Linn Zook postcard -Nov.19

[Postmarked Nov. 19, 1949]

Dear Harold, (and family natch)

I'm slow as usual I guess.  Sorry I haven't answered your card sooner but I will try to concentrate for the next minute anyway!!  I'm afraid we'll miss connections in Sandusky.  Since one of my days at the hospital is on Saturday I don't get to Sandusky until about 8:30 in the evening.  If, you should be there that late let me know for I would like to see you.  And if you're in Cleveland again you know where I live.

Katy must be becoming quite a girl.  I'm afraid we'll have to get acquainted all over again when I see her again.

Doc, what everyone needs is a "kigmy" if you've missed out on the Kigmies have someone who reads Lil Abner bring you up to date.  I'm missing those FREE meals at Lakeview Terrace.  Why don't you move back to Cleveland.  Just think doc, you can open up a branch office to make the strings for the yo-yo's.  By the way I'm fully expecting you to send me a yo-yo for Christmas --Linn

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