Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1969 Catherine's letter to Serena -Dec.9

December 9, 1969
Tuesday noon
Dear Serena,

Hi!  I was glad to get your card with the German influence even though it seems a bit early to start celebrating my birthday.

I only have 7 more days of school until I take off for my Christmas travels.  Wow!  But I have to finish my art paper, take a German test and one in Art, write a bunch of Christmas cards . . . .  I'm sure not running low on things to do.

I got a letter today from you all which was mailed on December 6 so the service is pretty quick.  It's too bad you have to keep going to the orthodontist.  I hope somebody ate a nutted-cheese sandwich for me.  Tell Mother thanks for the necklace.  I'm sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.  I haven't had a chance to wear it yet, my pullover sweaters don't do anything for it.  There wasn't much strain between the Semmlers and me at all.  At least if there was I wasn't aware of it.  I sent them a post card when I got back from Amsterdam thanking them for my visit.

I think I mentioned earlier about the Dutchman (Dr.) who gave us a ride coming home from Amsterdam and took us out to dinner in return for the hospitality he had received in America.  I got a letter from him yesterday.  He'll feed us and show us around if we come to Rotterdam so we're hoping to go in February.  I haven't used my Eurail Pass yet.  It will start on Dec. 19 and will be good until midnight March 18.

Although it snows or rains about everyday here, yesterday it stuck to the ground for the first time and I remembered I had brought my boots along.  I'm glad I remembered as packed inside were some socks I had forgotten about.  So now maybe I can buy the dictionary with the money Grandma sent me.  I hate to buy it though as then I have to take it home and I don't need more to carry.  Plans are already being made for traveling in March and flying back to U.S.

This afternoon I'm going downtown to get new heels put on my shoes.  And then I'll probably go to "Die Brücke" and work some.

The cake we made for Klause turned out ok but nothing extra.  It was a box mix and although similar to U.S. (made by Kraft foods) it was heavier -- it didn't rise.  They don't have birthday candles here either so we stuck in 4 big candles.

Is Roberta still working at Donut Shop?  How is Mary?  When do you get out of school?

I better bundle up and start toward town or I won't get everything done.


P.S.  Please write again soon even if you don't have a birthday card to send.

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