Thursday, January 23, 2020

1979 Family Letter -Dec.2

Sunday --
Dec. 2, 1979
Dearest Family --

Really had trouble getting the date or rather year right and it will soon be 1980 so had better start practicing.  My typing in general needs worked on after seeing Roberta's typed papers and letters as well as Catherine's.  A very worthwhile subject to take in school.

Was glad to get a letter from Catherine on Monday, John on Wednesday and Roberta yesteray.  The latter was a good 30¢ worth with all the descriptions of senior citizen facilities -- makes one want to move into that area to take advantage of what will be for us before too long.  Very interesting and well written.  It's amazing how that field has opened up in just the last few eyars.

Thanks, John, too for the map and new direction to the school in Gahanna where Mary Virginia is to take the test this coming Saturday.  She hadn't received anything at all from the testing service and thought that perhaps that they hadn't received her letter.  When nothing came in the mail on Friday morning I called and they said that it was in the mail and to come anyway if she shouldn't get her ticket but it came that afternoon - having been mailed the day before - a little close considering that they had said she would hear two weeks before hand.  Anyway we are all set to go and looking forward to being with John and Carol later that day - the test lasts til 12:30 so don't look for us til mid-afternoon at the very earliest but will definitely be there by                (Will let Dad fill in that blank to be on the safe side.)

Enjoyed talking to Serena and glad to hear that she is enjoying her work in the Loyola library.  We called her after her second day of work (found that she will be working on Tuesday evenings so she had just gotten in).  Wonder what the procedure is there when a library book isn't turned in or found turned in -- that seemed rather drastic at ASU -- especially not to get to use the reserve section of the library either - glad that it all straightened out in your favor, Roberta.  Do hope that you make definite plans over Christmas, Serena - just sorry that you won't be going to Arizona this year like last.  Are you thinking about visiting Noni in Madison Wisconsin or friends in Kansas City?  Also let us know what you have in mind for adding to your dinner ware - if you would like something in that line or something else or perhaps with fear of breakage it would be best to get it there or bring it over later.  We would very much like to get to Chicago during the packaging show and see you at the same time if it can be worked out that way and perhaps we could get the John Hancock apt. which would be near your work as well.  The Salisburys are thinking of going to southwest Texas to visit Tom and his family as they are to be located there for awhile.  And if they leave right after Christmas Dad doesn't feel like he should be away at the busiest time of the year - first weeks of January - we had originally planned to come back that way.

So glad that the Morgans were able to get train reservations from Klamath Falls to San Diego and looking forward to seeing them one place or another for as long as possible.  At least you and especially Gerry will be ablae to move around and the roomette should be real nice for all of you.  that is something we have wanted to do for a long time.  But either the time or the routing wan't the most convenient.  Out west thet rains are supposed to be much better too.

The bazaar was held yesterday from 9 to 6:30 which was much too long a day when most of the business was in the morning but they did make close to $1400.  We had both lunch and supper there and brought (bought too) home enough food for another couple of meals as the weather turned bad and they had very few people for supper in the evening.  Some woman bought three of the macrames, Roberta (I don't know who) and they reduced the afghans from $35 to $25 but have two others beside that to take to the bank along with quite a few other things.  Mrs. Thornburg didn't want her's reduced so it was touchy marking down yours they said.  They are pretty but New Vienna isn't willing to pay as much as they do in the larger cities.

I asked Mrs. Thornburg to make some big bags to fit on Grandma's wheel-chair and told her just how I wanted them - had planned to give them to her for Christmas.  But she made in a hurry and gave them to her (real dinky ones) before she left for Florida.  I asked her what I owed her and she said she wanted to do that for her -- Was kind of disgusted in some ways for I had wanted that . . . . [bottom line of page cut off]

We had a card from the honeymooners from Ft. Myers, Fla.  I don't think we mentioned what a nice wedding Melba and Orville had the night before Thanksgiving.  Peggy was her only attendant (Marvin walked down the aisle with her) John Harner stood up with his Dad and Stan, Jr. married them with the help of Rev. Wise.  It was a small wedding - mostly relatives and friends and a reception was held afterwards in the new fellowship room behind the sanctuary.  Had to go down and then up the back stairs to get there but a real happy occasion.  The next day the bridal couple had Thanksgiving Dinner for the immediate family (forgot to mention that Elaine and Isabel were at the guest book and the former and Opal took care of the reception.  Mrs. Young, Melba's mother and brother were also on hand both days.  Then the next day they (Melba and Orville) took off for Florida and she mentioned that they had rented a house for at least a few days ON THE WEST coast of Florida.  She entertains the UMW next Dec. 11 so don't think they'll stay too long - Does that remind you of anyone else that has meetings interfere with personal plans?

Yesterday was the auction of the personal property of the New Vienna Mill, on which Wells has bought the real estate as it joins right up with us on the west side.  We also got the old Farm Bureau Bldg. (N.V.'s first depot [?? don't remember hearing that before]) so we hope we can make this space into some usable storage space.  The mill bldg. is like the catacombs in the two subbasements.  There are cats everywhere -- you can guess why.  Anyway, that will be a project for 1980 to make the buildings more usable.

Grandma left Tuesday morning for WPB and called us that night that all went well on the trip.  Winter arrived the next day with our first skiff of snow and has been down in the teens, tho I guess compared to Chicago southern Ohio must seem like the tropics -- right, Serena?

Rev. Reece passed away - had been in the ministry 57 years . . . .  He had a rich life having been associated in the Friends activities all over the world.  We always will remember how fast he walked and his enthusiasm.  He is to be buried in Richmond, Ind. and they are having memorial services for him here next Sunday (Dec. 9).  Fairview will be looking for a new minister -- they were lucky to have a man of Rev. Reece's caliber for so long.  His wife died 9 years ago -- about a year and a half after they moved here.

We attended another square dancing practice session tonight which helps immensely as they go much slower and review all you have learned recently.  The Pratts haven't attended these sessions as that is the only day (Sunday) when they have time to go Christmas shopping together.  Hope you all will excuse us for not thinking of this reasoning.

Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday afternoon, Carol and John.

Catherine and Gerry - we think it might be easier on Gerry to fly from San Diego to Phoenix.  We would be most willing to go after you all but it is a 400 mile trip and would be much quicker and less rough on Gerry to fly.  If yo can get reservations both coming to Phoenix and back, please go ahead and do so.  Dad did call the Flying E Ranch in Wickenburg, Arizona and talked them into holding rooms again Dec. 28 and 29 for one room and Dec. 28-31 for another two rooms but they are adamant about two to a room.  Wendy would be OK with you because of her age.  This place is *** (excellent) in the Mobil Tour Book and is on the American Plan with family style meals.  Hopefully it will be a pleasant experience for all of us.  Do let us know about your preference for getting from S.D. to Phoenix and back, and if flying, is your choice, let us know your schedule.  Our schedule is to leave here Dec. 20, arrive Mesa that Saturday evening and head back to NV around Jan 3rd or 2nd.

With much love from . . . .

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