Sunday, January 05, 2020

1989 MV's Letter -Nov.16

[11/16/89 -- ?]
Dear Mom, Dad & Grandma --

The weather this past week has been gorgeous -- It's hard to believe that it's almost Thanksgiving when the weather has been so gorgeous & warm.  It makes me wish I didn't have to work and study.

Well we're leaving for Georgia Friday afternoon at 2:00.  I'm going down to Macon with a friend of mine, stay with her Friday night and then go on to Douglas Saturday morning.  I'm scheduled to meet with the PPR committee at 10:00.  The UMW is having a bazaar, so we'll have lunch there and then continue meetings Saturday afternoon.  Sunday, I'll leave for Tuscaloosa to be at Betsy's church Sunday night to sing.  Monday night we're meeting a friend for dinner in Birmingham.  I'll leave Tuesday morning in order to be back in Lexington for Weight Watchers Tuesday night.

Christmas rush has really started at work.  People will come in and spend $100-$150 a shot without batting an eye.  We usually run 2 registers when we're busy but last Saturday we were using 3 and still had a line.  It amazes me how much "Jesus junk" some of these people will buy.

Now, you're planning on coming down Thanksgiving day, yes?  It will just be Don & I so I'll make reservations for approximately 1:00 or 1:30.  Will you & Grandma be spending the night then Thursday?  As far as coming home to sing on Sunday, I've asked to work early Saturday so that we (Don & I ) can drive up Saturday night and get there at a decent hour and stay at least until after lunch Sunday.

This past Sunday I sang at First UMC Lexington for both services, which went well.  They put me in the choir spot and had the choir sing during the offering!  Afterwards Don & I went to Red Lobster and I had the Shrimp Feast - shrimp prepared 4 different ways.  Wow -- that was the first time I'd been to Red Lobster in ages.

Okay -- I will see you people Thursday morning unless I hear otherwise.  We'll look forward to seeing you.  Sorry John & Serena can't come!

Mary Va.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that was 1989 and they did come to Lexington but I got the flu and was in bed from Thursday after lunch until Sunday I think....and house sitting for my voice teacher in Lexington to boot!

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