Saturday, January 18, 2020

1979 Roberta's Letter -Nov.27

Tuesday Evening
6:00 P.M.
Dear Family,

See now that these wide margins will have to go . . . I just use them when I type something for school.  I am enclosing some of the articles that I just got finished over the Thanksgiving Weekend.  Perhaps you will recognize the name of Patterson Terrace -- the apartment building we went through just before it was finished.  I was really impressed with the place.  Something that didn't get into the report is that as of January 1st they are opening up an 80 bed intermediate facility. . . this means that they can be more selective as to who and what condition they take people in.

Remember Cora . . . the lady that I fed down at the Royal Nursing Home?  She liked Buffy soo much.  She died last Sunday in her sleep.  Just the last few weeks she had been very bad.  Didn't recognize me . . . had to be fed by a turkey baster type of affair.

I've sure had my trouble with teeth this fall.  First these doctors out here can't just look, they have to have all these x-rays -- which rub me the wrong way.  Last Wednesday I had the worst of the lot pulled.  It didn't hurt all that much and I was able to eat like normal.  I followed all the instructions . . . no hot drinks, don't rinse your mouth for 24 hours, etc.  Got along fine till Sunday.  Then I had a hurt like I had never had before.  Monday was a busy day but did get into the dentist today.  In the meantime since Sunday I had been popping heavy duty aspirin, keeping hot washcloths on that side of my face.  So today I found out that I had a (or rather have a) dry socket.  Dentist says that can hurt more than any tooth ache.  Guess I lost the blood clot on Sunday so air got in something like that.  He packed my tooth today -- or rather where the tooth had been -- said to try to get in every day this week for packing.  At least the guy had the decency not to charge me today.  I've already helped him pay his monthly payment on that x-ray machine.

So how are you all?  I'm anxious to get the news of Thanksgiving holidays.  What a shame that John and Carol couldn't stay longer.  Thought today about Grandma going to Florida.  Today would have been a good day to arrive in the valley of the sun -- here -- 75º out today.  Really nice.  First day in a long time that I've not worn the thermal underwear . . . though unlike Aunt Mary when she went to Europe, I did buy two pairs.

Have you all finalized any Christmas plan yet???  Please do keep me posted as to your plans.  Marion will be gone here from the 24th of December to the 7th of January.

I didn't mention it in my last letter, was in too big of an hurry to get it in the mail.  But along with the Honda place I was fighting the ASU library.  I had turned in about five books and then about a week later I got a notice that one of the books were overdo [sic] . . . or rather yet to be handed in.  I did a search around here, but I was sure I had already turned it in.  After the book was three days overdo, I could not use my library card -- either to check out books or to get books out of the reserve library -- which is where most of my time is spent for one of my classes.  I got nowhere until I went and spoke to the heard of the library.  I told him I wanted it on his mind, that I had turned the book in (they were supposedly looking for it) and due to the fact that I could not use the reserve library I could easily fail one of my classes.  So the man wrote me out a little note saying that I could use the books on reserve.  Three days later I got a computer print-out postcard in the mail saying that my book had been found.  If they had not found it, I would have been responsible for paying the price of the book, plus $10.00.  The school would have been able to hold back grades, etc until this would have been paid.  I'm just glad they found it.  I took the card into the head guy, showed him, and thanked him for his courtesy . . . .

Mary Virginia, I can now sing along with you on several of the songs on the tape you sent us.  Knew you would be happy to know that.  Marion really likes the tape . . . so you know what that means . . . we hear it alot.  She says sure beats country music.  Also anytime you want to send us another tape that would be fine.

Dad, those are good articles that you sent . . . both in the last letter and in the envelope that came with just the articles in it.  speaking of articles . . . there is an article in the CSM that I got today I want to send to John.  Headlines something like:  "Going to New York City -- take a tour of Brooklyn."

Marion is really busy making wreaths.  The only trouble is that she does so much standing and bending over when she makes them that sometimes when done for the evening she can hardly stand up.  Have I told you all that we have rented out a space (8 by 10) at an arts and crafts fair the 8th of December.  Hoping to make alot of bucks.  My extra bucks seems to be going into my mouth.  Dentists seems to think that alot more work is yet to be done, but with bad gums and loose teeth I'm not anxious to put alot of money into it all.

Wish I had more time to be making things up for the sale, but between school and dentists don't get too much done.

Now Wednesday Morning.  Three out of my four classes today were cancelled due to a conference in Yuma -- State Park and Recreation Conference.  So instead of classes have more work to do as each of the teachers gave us something to keep us busy.  I'm just glad that I got the four visits made and already written up.

Don't think that I have kept you all up on the big to-do at ASU as to the football coach that got fired.  There have been so many lawsuits.  The biggest one being the one where the fired coach is suing (sp?) the Athletic Director for loss of income, dignity, all that stuff for 40 million dollars.  Between all this and the Iranian troubles I think the newscasters out here have trouble getting everything said.

We were over to the Fiesta Mall last night.  Marion's sister couldn't find a coat in Idaho Falls she liked so she wanted Marion to look.  Marion found it -- or hope that she found one that Rachel wil like.  Of course when we did find it, was the wrong size, so had it brought over to Mesa from another store.  Lots of winter visitor type of people sitting on the benches in the middle of the mall.  Mall was all decorated in the Christmas mood.  Really looked quite nice.

Can business is definitely down.  We haven't spent the time on it as we did before . . . spending more time on sellable arts and crafts.  Also with the weather so much cooler people are not drinking as much.  Last few weeks we have been taking cans once a week.  Usually have about 80-85 pounds.  So that still more than pays for gas -- plus some in reserve.

Oh, meant to tell you all earlier that Jackie Phelon called me last Wednesday night.  She had already bought two tickets (for herself and son Michael) to come here for the holiday weekend.  First I had heard from her for a long time.  Guess she would have gotten here about 9:00 Thursday A.M.  I simply said, "Gee, Jackie -- you should have told me ahead of time, I've got a busy weekend planned with these visits I have to make for school.  She said that was fine, hat money was shaky, and maybe she better not come.  Marion heard the conversation and she couldn't believe it.  Such a character Jackie is!!!

What is new from the Morgans and Serena???  Do keep me posted as to your Christmas plans.

Mother, how did the bazaar go at the church?  Remind me to tell you about how the bazaar was run that we took so much stuff out to.  (and thank goodness brought so little back.)

Better get going . . . .


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