Friday, July 12, 2019

1989 Mary Horton letter to HH -Apr.25

TUES. - April 25th (CHAD'S 1st BIRTHDAY PARTY) [1989]

Dear Harold:

It's been a Party week-end!!  Cindy's Uncle and Aunt came Fri. PM late and left Monday PM.  They did not drive this time as they had a dead-line to meet back home.  They flew in and stayed near the airport; which isn't too far from Rob's.  So I didn't have them 'under foot' all week-end.  Ha!  However, the house got a 'new look' (clean anyway) and 2 beds made up unnecessarily.  Sat. Cindy had a party for Chad & relatives with a lot of nice gifts.  Uncle and Aunt were overly generous!!!  Bill and I took Ray and Helen out to dinner that evening and a short tour around Palm Beach and then played Rummy-O.  It was a beautiful evening . . . blue sky and not too warm riding . . . might be a different story on your bike!!!

Then to-day, it was the REAL BIRTHDAY (as if Chad knew the difference???) and she had Mothers and their babies who belong to the "Baby and Me" Club sponsored by the PB School Board.  The two G'Mas were invited!  Like a pre-school nursery with an activity room.  You've never seen so many toys, etc. . . especially after they opened up the gifts!!  Babies all ages and sizes!  All boys but one chubby girl.  They got along real well!  The adults had Pasta, party sandwiches, a salad 'munchie' plate, which you would have gone for.  Drinks, cake and ice cream.  Chad is real cute . . . always a smile . . . he has a great sense of rhythm . . . play that music and he 'sings and sways'!!!  He's an eye-stopper wherever you take him!!!

Tonight we go to Fellowship Class meeting.  Wed. the Youth are putting on a ham dinner.  Executive Bd. meeting Th AM and Choir that night . . . IF I go!!!

Roberta called today!!  She has her plane reservation for OHIO on June 21st . . . or she may have written you . . . flying into Cols.  Fare reasonable!!  Will be fun to see her again.  I understand you and Jean will be on different E.H. Trips???  She said that she hasn't had any cards from you!!  I rated!!  We got 2 cards . . . THANKS!!!

The sewarage line is coming up 11th Ave. (our driveway) tomorrow!!  So a lot of commotion and dust will be flying!!  At least we have our air conditioner on!!  Will have to have the car out of the garage early in the morning.  Not being used to getting into a HOT car . . . . this will be a change!!!  Ted took a weeks trip over to Orlando and is due back Wed. or Thursday.  Probably park in his driveway.  Had thought about taking off before the project got on its way but I have too many loose ends . . . can't possibly be ready too much ahead schedule to head toward  N.C. and Ohio.  We're playing it 'by ear' as to day of departure???  All these huge things are laying on the north side of our street (11th).

How goes the trip?  People must think you're crazy to bike across the USA!!!  What is the incentive to put out that much energy???  I can see biking for FUN . . . but an endurance contest with yourself????  You should have some interesting tales to tell and I want to be around to hear them????  I'm glad Jean is home!  We've talked several times and it is nice for Mother to have her close by!!!  See ya 1st of June???

Love, Mary & Bill

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