Friday, July 05, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Apr.15

[The typing on the back side make parts of the first few paragraphs on the front page difficult to read.  Will do the best possible transcription but feel free to interpret it yourself!]

Sunday evening –

April 15, 1979
Dearest Family,

Wish that you all could have been here with us today for we did miss you but perhaps another year we will all celebrate together, who knows?  Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Matthews, Grandma as well as John and Carol were here.  We hadn't know that Carol was coming but glad to have her here.  We had rather expected Masa . . . as he mentioned about coming and said that . . . but we never heard from him.  It is so hard to reach him at Wilmington College.  Sometimes he gets the messages and sometimes not.

Almost had another raw turkey but caught it in time just before we left for Sunday School and found that the oven timer was not working and oven had gotten cold so it finished just in time.  John and Carol picked up Mrs. M. and Elizabeth came . . . church . . . her own power.  She visited her father at Extended Care . . . we took Mrs. M. back and then had a bite . . . and then went home.  We had a real good turkey.  . . . pounds which seemed to have alot of meat left on it to make turkey soup, freeze 2 big containers and then some.  Also had some asparagus that I had frozen last year and almost forgotten, plus made mashed potatoes that I hadn't fixed for ? long but Mrs. M. said one time she quit eating the ones at Extended Care for they were always instant kind.

Appreciated talking to you, Catherine and Roberta – Wed. and today respectively.  Tho we always think of something afterwards but that is the human touch.

It is now Monday evening and we just came home from the annual Republican county meeting and among others were talking with the Frank Cunningham's who have a daughter in Denver and they said they would give Serena a call when there this week.  Naturally the states's newest State Senator, Cooper Snyder, was there, who Serena remembers particularly well.  Cooper told us that the fellow who resigned as S.S. told him that he wouldn't wish the job on his worst enemy.  Seriously, the Snyders seem to be enjoying it.

Last week bought five fruit trees, but the weather has been uncooperative as far as putting them out.  Picked Grandma some rhubarb Saturday and MV mowed the grass so spring is coming.

Yesterday was a busy day at Church with Sunrise Services followed by breakfast, then Sunday School and Church and so many there that there were some in the balcony.  MV sang a solo and got a lot of compliments.  We think she does enjoy her music now.  Saturday night there was a musical program at the Church, so no lack of things to go.

It has been a joke ever since Christmas about the TV service man as he has been telling us that he would be over from Sabina "tomorrow", which has yet to arrive.  Then this morning Grandma saw the TV truck of another fellow at a neighbors house and gave them a call and he was over there in a few minutes – we couldn't believe it.  

For the record, Serena, we got to know Mrs. Cunningham quite well when she was on the trip to Ireland with us.  She and the same friend she was with then (Mary Schnapp, former Clerk of Court) plan to go to Switzerland this summer.  Mr. Cunningham prefers to go to Denver to visit at those times.

Ruth was rather depressed after seeing the doctor last Saturday as he still won't let her go back to work and didn't think she ought to go to church as it had been hard on her the Sunday before.  The Colliers had the family down – don't think that Carolyn made it though.  Ruth was so sorry to miss seeing John and Carol when they tried to see her Sunday.

Mary Virginia surprised everyone with her voice – she sang better than I have ever heard her and didn't seem to be the least bit frightened.  Carol harmonized with her on parts and their voice blended well but she really belted it out with felling – "Rise Again".  The Messengers had done it the night before and so had Ed Perry's group earlier but liked her rendition the best – course I'm not prejudiced.  Wish the rest of you could have heard her too.  

Masa never called as he said that he would be he more or less invited himself over the last time when he met John and the latter said that he hoped to see more of him.  Anyway, he didn't make it for Easter.

Dad said we had a letter from the Morgans this morning and looking forward to hearing more.  Don't know why the mail is slow in getting to Madras.  Roberta's new typewriter and brown ribbon are classy and never hear too often from any of you.  Serena?  I got a permanent but MV decided to get hers cut and wait as she still has some left even yet.  She went with me to Dayton to attend a book review meeting of children's librarians which we both found interesting.  On the way back we stopped in Centerville at a shop that had been recommended to her.  MV also got a curling iron and has been using it.

I know that Dad will want this ready to put into the mail but thought I might think of some other things I wanted to say as I usually do after the letters are on their way.  Glad to have mail from all of you and it was nice having John and Carol here for Easter.  We love you very much and don't tell you often enough but looking forward to seeing you this summer – wish we could have one big get together!!

With all our love,
Dad & Mother

P.S.  Know you know much of this but want you to know we're thinking of you.  The concert is in Dayton Sat. night – not Columbus as M.V. thought.  Hope you can make it!

1 comment:

Mary Uible Crowson said...

That was impossible to read---I don't know how on earth you transcribed as much as you did!

Items from Uible photo album