Tuesday, July 23, 2019

1989 Jean's Family Letter -May 6

Saturday --
May 6, 1989
Dearest Family --

The day has finally arrived when Dad is due home.  It has seemed long in many ways and short in others.  I'm sure if I had been out there bicycling it would seem like YEARS.  I am to leave in a little bit but thought I'd get this letter started and then Dad can add to it if he likes -- when he has some time.  The dining room table is piled high with letters and papers for him to go through.  A lot may be junk mail but I've thrown alot of that out too and still there are twenty piles or so.

We have really had a lot of rain and cool weather lately -- the grass I had planned to cut -- mainly the dandelion stems but is no weather for that.  The things he planted are coming slowly but I'm sure he will want to do alot more planting.  That cultivater just runs too fast for me and very hard to turn around so it still waits.

It was good to see John and Mary Virginia this past weekend.  John came to New Vienna about 3:30 and we stopped to see G'ma and then had supper with MV in Wilmington after a shower she had been co-hosting there.  Roberta, Catherine and Wendy have been very good to write and call and have talked to Serena a number of times on the phone.   I finally got through to her again for I heard via Roberta that S's car had been parked & sideswiped but guess minimal damage -- some paint from other car on hers plus front license plate had fallen off.

Grandma is doing fine -- she's had water in her basement and a furnace problem which is now righted thanks to Wells and their calling a plumber for what they couldn't do.  Her appetite is good and she can eat plenty of strawberries which I've tried to keep her supplied among other things.  Ours are a long way before they'll be ready and not near as big but certainly the price is right if you don't count your time and picking.

It is now Sunday afternoon (May 7) and Dad has been home a little over 14 hours.  He was back at his duties as Sunday School superintendent and picked up G'ma this morning.  We brought her home for lunch and he has now taken her back.  In church during the sharing period he expressed joy at being back in Ohio and seeing all the greenery. 

The NVUMC bell choir is playing at Otterbein Home this afternoon with a group of other bell choirs.  They play by groups and then all play a number or two together.

We had our first rhubarb this week and asparagus last Sunday tho I had eaten some raw from the garden before there was enough to cook.  Dad says that he didn't have any fish while he was gone so that will be on the menu as I eat quite alot of that -- either broiled baked or grilled -- that and chicken or turkey.  Some of the riders missed red meat but that would never be on the top of Dad's list.  But of course, fruit and vegetables -- both fresh are.  We have just about finished up the fruit that came back with me from Arizona -- I gave G'ma the last grapefruit.

Mary V is on her first Emmaus Walk in Lexington and it will be over in a few hours.  Then she will also lead the music and give a talk at the next "walk" in Wilmington the end of July.

[love, etc.]

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