Tuesday, July 09, 2019

1989 GG's Letter to HH -Apr.18

April 18, 1989 (Tuesday Noon)

Hi Harold . . . . .

Went to Wilmington yesterday . . . several folks in the Court House were asking about you -- Rachel (the gal who does alot of title checks) said she hoped you were taking some pictures.  she loves to ride the bicycle.  Since 5/3rd & BancOhio were the same rates on CDs for 30 days, went with 5/3rd.  BancOhio has one for Wells, so perhaps best not to have all the eggs in one basket??  The interest rate was 9.45% and happens to come due on May 17th . . . I have an appt. with Ear Specialist in Wilmington that day, so will work out good!

In your file at Probate was an announcement of Estate Planning Conf. put on by the OSU College of Law -- at Dublin OHIO May 19th!!!  Sounds like a good program, but that is your same time to be in Toledo . . . plus, you attended an Estate Planning Conference recently, didn't you?

Filed the Final Account on Lamcke estate yesterday!!! What a good feeling, plus the Prickett check finally cleared so have it ready to file as soon as Lowell brings in the remaining cancelled checks!!  The statement was cut yesterday, so shouldn't be too long!

Really had a wind storm yesterday evening . . . almost had to be a small tornado as the BIG tree in front of Kay's office was uprooted . . . along with the road sign and part of the road came up!  She was home and she, Andy and a little girl that was playing with Andy went to the basement.  Looks like alot of damage to the old Daye Hardware Bldg . . . roof, plus part of Wells roof was damaged.  Channel 7 news was here, so perhaps you saw it in Texas!!! HA

Chad Carey called about Law Day -- May 2nd!!!  Needed some 1 hr. spaces filled in for legal consultation . . . .  Told him I knew you would have been glad to, if you were in town that day . . . but you will be out of town . . . he said if you have a change of plans, please call him.

Best sign off and get back to work!  Just had a big strawberry shortcake . . . yum!!!  Stopped in to see your Mother yesterday . . . she is doing well.  She had her Pike Gas bill all ready to go -- put her acct. #, etc. on the envelope.

Oh yes.  Jean said you mentioned about Master Card and the Delta flight booklets . . . Betty Curtis called last week -- she was concerned, as she got a rejection on the Delta booklets -- said incorrect Card # -- she read me the card # she had used . . . had a couple of the digits reversed . . . so I gave her the correct # and she was going to re-do it!

Take care . . .  look forward to your safe return second week ofo May.


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