Friday, July 26, 2019

1979 Family Letter -May 13

Sunday Evening, May 13 [1979]

Dear Family:

Last Thursday we left for Toledo for the 99th Ohio Bar Meeting, zipped up there in no time with a luncheon stop at Ponderosa.  That was our first trip to Toledo sine Serena was in school there.  We had a room at the Commodore Perry Hotel (guess who that was named after), which was the headquarters hotel.  Unfortunately, as far as rest was concerned our room was too near a hospitality room that never seemed to close.

Your Mother and Lee Noble got together Thursday night for dinner, while I went out to the reception at the U. of T. Law School, where there is enough refreshment to make a meal.  Friday night we went to the banquet program, where they made a presentation to some 20 people who had practiced law for 50 years . . . one fellow was on his 65th year.  They had a good program -- Mark Russell -- who gave a satire type program and had everyone in stitches for about an hour.  The evening ended with a "tent on the roof" idea, which was a big tent pitched on top of the parking garage adjacent to the hotel.  Again more refreshments and plenty of room to talk with people.

Saturday morning we left about 7:30 with the first top in Lakeside -- virtually everything was closed, except for the Fountain Inn Hotel, which really has a nice modern addition -- they cater to groups during the off season and we saw a group there from the Audubon Society, who were getting ready to go out and "watch" birds.  A coat felt good as there was a "cool" breeze off the lake, tho there were several out on the pier pulling the fish in.  The corner where you used to live, Serena and Catherine, was where the new part of the Fountain Inn is and really looks nice.  Will try to include a post card to show you.  From there we went on south stopping briefly at Sawmill Creek (Ohio's Resort hotel) near Huron, Ohio.  They have a beautiful golf course and indoor and outdoor pools, etc.  It is almost brand new.

We had made plans to meet and have lunch with a former teacher at Western Reserve Library School who is now retired and lives in Oberlin.  We got home just at six -- Mary Va. was asleep on the couch but at first thought she had gotten a better invitation to go some place.  I was really tired from so much going that I was in bed by 9:00 and felt ready to go early this morning.

We had Grandma and Elizabeth Johnson for lunch today -- not too big a lunch as the MYF had a supper theater -- rather dinner theater -- tonight.  They had about 70+ reservations and they not only served dinner but also put on the entertainment.  Mary Virginia sang and Leanne accompanied her on the guitar.  She sang "Everything Is Beautiful" and did a good job.  They must have had about ten different acts -- some from the MYF and some not.  Haven't heard how they did.

Had surprise visitors Wednesday -- almost didn't go to the door as I was getting dressed to go to the final Woman's Club program of the year -- saw some couple at the door and thought they must be selling something but found out it was Greg Schamaun and his wife.  They had flown up for his grandmother's (Maternal) funeral.  Rev. Schamaun's mother has also had a stroke and his wife is in the hospital for some kind of surgery so he had taken time to come down to see the Fawleys.  Stan's funeral was Tuesday and so he got to see Stan and Marvin before they left.  Greg's wife looked much older and heavier than I had imagined her to be -- Greg is tall and slender and has a daughter, Wendy 8, and a little boy 3.

. . . . church today that the Administrative Board had voted to use the money from the memorial fund for Stan Fawley for a chair lift.  No doubt it won't be enough but at least it will be a good start.  Melba, Peggy and her little girl were there this morning.

It is hard to believe that the school year is so near over -- last day is May 25th for teachers but then they began about August 21st.  Ruth stayed with MV while we were in Toledo.  She is working 5 days a week at Careys so must be feeling pretty well.  Not able to do alot but is able to take care of Christie.  I really appreciated all the Mothers Day cards and hearing from all of you!!

[Love, etc.]

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