Wednesday, July 24, 2019

1969 Catherine's Letter -May 7

Wednesday, May 7 [1969]
Dear Mother,

Hi!  Happy 21st Mothers Day.  I can't say as I can remember back to your first one but I've got a lot of pleasant memories since then.

I was just sitting here thinking back.  The store windows are all full of formals and it reminded me of you taking me to Columbus to get mine.  And our lunch at Marzetti's.  And that brought back thoughts of my first hose and my first high heels.  They are probably still sitting around in a closet somewhere.  That's all part of growing up I guess.

And then I think of all the things you taught me.  Everything from how to write my name, cooking, playing solitaire, long division, ironing . . . an endless list.  But to you and Dad I will always owe all my abilities and what I'm able to do with them.

I can remember once a long time back when at a revival service the minister had me look at you and say "I love God" or something similar.  I don't think I grew any closer to God but having to say it to you made me realize how much I love you.  While we're on religion I admire you & Dad as Christians and the way you brought me up.  But I can't accept it simply because it's the way I was brought up.  Right now I'm more of an agnostic.  I've got to find out for myself.  Maybe I should say a Christian agnostic because I can hardly disagree with such principles as the Golden Rule, 10 Commandments, and I've got to admire all the churches have done to better the world.

You did fail to instill in me a love of New Vienna as home.  Or if you did it has become latent in me.  NV is the place where my family happens to live while I live in Chicago.  I've already found myself telling people I'm from Chicago.  Having been here over 30 days I guess I am a legal resident.

Well, whatever happens in the next years I hope I don't disappoint you too much.  I applaud and thank you for all you've done to make me what I am but it's my life and I'm living it for myself.  When or if I ever become a Mother I hope I can be, or I'll try to be as good and as loving as you've been

Have a good day!

Lots of Love,

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