Tuesday, July 16, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Apr.30

Monday Evening, April 30th [1979]

Deaf Dear Fmily Family:

After the boo-boo on the salutation spelling, perhaps I should start this letter over, but anyway it will be our last try this month.

Last Tuesday afternoon we went to the Wilmington Library Friends Meeting, which is jsut getting organized, the old pitch . .. "more needs than there are funds".  The H.K. Williams were there from N.V. also.

On Friday evening John, Carol and Steve (John's friend at D.U. -- whose home is in N.J. and who is NUTS about railroading zoomed in for a supper stop, before they continued on to Asbury College with Kelly Grooms for a weekend religious meeting there.  It is an annual affair that attracts something like 15,000 people.  They got back "early" Sunday morning, as M.V. who accompanied them was to sing a duet at the Lees Creek Church Sunday morning.

On Saturday the older generation went toWilmington in the afternoon as it was International Day at the College - different nationalities sold snacks that they had made that would be typical of their own country, then we celebrated Saturday evening with another snack at McDonalds.

Yesterday evening at our Church was the annual Senior Citizens Banquet, for which about 50 people turned out.  Mrs. Liggett from the College spoke on folk tales, which was entertaining and subtle substance as well.  We are not there ourselves yet, but did help on the committee.

Serena, the Cunningham's did call us up on their return from Denver.  Mrs. C. want to go to Europe this summer, but Mr. C. prefers to go to Denver.  Did you read, Serena, where Denver's elevation gives as much radiation as those people in Penna. got from the "deposed" power plant.  Your letter came today and that project sounds deep.

Ruth told us, Roberta, about about getting the pictures from you on Saturday.  We too enjoyed seeing them.  Wondered how your test went Saturday?  John is going to take a Civil Service test this Saturday.  He is still on the fence about his summer plans as to work.  Guess if all else fails there is always Wells.  Glad to hear about your plans for returning to N.V. . . . how are you and Serena working about the plans for getting the Dodge back to Denver?

Catherine, glad you are all on the mend, did you make it up to Kah-nee-ta for dinner?  The family still plans to go to Madras for the last in June, while Dad is in Madison, Wisconsin, but we are wondering about the United Air Lines, which the strike has put out of business.  Then there is the occasional news item about the scarcity of gas - tho none exists around N.V.  We have been looking at some new cars as ours is now nearing 95,000, but the prices dampen our enthusiasm.

Dad has written most of the news but will add a line or two.  We tried to call you a number of times Sunday, Roberta, to learn about your test – Serena thought that you planned to leave Mesa to be back here for John's graduation.  Since I told her you weren't leaving so early she thought she'd go out when she finishes around the 24th.  No doubt you will be hearing from her if you haven't already.

Wish you had been here all of you Sunday to help eat the leg of lamb that we had -- the first in many months as we have not had any lamb (leg, that is) for months and months.  Thought of you especially, Serena.  We had a good bit left so may yet freeze some of it.  Steve has such a good appetite that there isn't ever too many left-overs but this was a big cut of meat.

We've also been having asparagus and rhubarb out of the garden and have given Grandma some onions.  Dad didn't have the garden plowed this year as they tore up so much of the asparagus and rhubarb patch last year.  We really haven't had too many really nice days -- some warm ones but they are usually followed by some particularly cold ones.  Saturday night we had another hard frost too which dampens enthusiasm to do too much planting.

Catherine, what do you think of the Book digest?  I have been rather disappointed in it though have seen a couple of real good issues before I subscribed to it for us.  Form the couple of issues I've gotten, I don't think I'd subscribe to it for another year.  The Wilmington Library did get the Sunset magazine but think they have cut that out in their austerity program.  By the way, do you know much about the Friends of the Library program.  Dad is on the by-laws committee -- they have some other group's to go by but just wondered what most groups do -- volunteer work -- raise money -- or/and what?

We really appreciated that LONG letter Serena and glad to get two written the same day from you, Roberta with the pictures.  And copies which turned out real well considering they are done on a copy machine.

Catherine, Dad says that our tickets are here and if usable we would arrive on the 21st approximately 1 PM.  But much is to be said for driving out there and then Dad would fly back early.  Hate to be so indefinite but the strike leaves us hanging and if Roberta would go too it would be more practical to drive.  Hope that this doesn't foul your plans with DeeDee.  There is also the possibility that Dad could fly out the day she arrives making only one trip necessary to Portland.  But then again he might want to go back before the 21st.

Forgot to tell you that Rev. Reece has been in the hospital for surgery and perhaps some of you might want to send a card to his home by now for would think that he would be home before long.  It was serious but he never let on to anyone as far as I know but his daughter told a neighbor that it was cancer -- whether they were able to get it I don't know.

Ruth was to go back to the Careys today and then to the doctor tomorrow so she would know whether it might be too much for her as Christie is getting to be quite a handful.

Saw Linda Eltzroth Compton with her new baby at the Lees Creek church Sunday but didn't get to talk to her really as they were having a meeting after church was over -- their minister is leaving to become a social worker in Florida.  She complimented MV on her singing, as many others did.

Wells has made the splurge into the computer world in purchasing a System 32 IBM computer.  Hopefully we can keep track of things better with less effort -- that's one of the best ways of competing with inflation.  On the computer four of us are going to Cincinnati for two days to learn the "basic operation", so keep your fingers crossed.

Glenn Southerland [born 1897] passed away last Saturday -- that has been a good family for legal business -- I like estates better than some of the other legal areas. 

Our love to all of you and a Happy May month to each of you.

[Love, etc.]

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