Tuesday, July 02, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Apr.12

April 12, 1979

Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  Got a letter from Roberta today and also another epic from Patty Walker Ryan – she must go through lots of pens.  She sent me Shirley Bernard's address in Dayton but not her married name.  Do you know what it is?

Glad to talk to Mother and M.V. on the phone yesterday morning.  We are going to try to have DeeDee fly into portland on June 21st also and then we could pick you all up at once and DeeDee would be here while you are.  Mary and DeeDee could keep each other company in the back of the truck.

Wendy got her DPT and Polio boosters today she is all set now shot wise until just before she goes to school.

Tomorrow night we are going to a 50's and 60's dance at the Elks along with a PotLuck supper, I am taking deviled eggs since we have so many eggs and we aren't coloring Easter eggs this year.

On Sunday they are having two services at church one at 8:30 and the regular one at 11:00.  Between services they are having a brunch.  I am going to take some apricot bread.  That seems to be a pretty good way to do it.  We are going to go to the early service.  Wendy doesn't seem to mind the nursery anymore although she still cries when I take her in.  One of the babysitters and Wendy have developed a rapport though so she has someone to comfort her.

Do you remember my mentioning Lisa, the nine-year-old daughter of Sally who works at the Co-op?  She was coming over after school once in awhile to learn to babysit.  She and her mother have now moved into one of our apartments and Wendy has really grown attached to Lisa.  She cries when Lisa leaves now.

Saturday – I waited to mail this thinking I would get your letter.  It will probably come today.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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