Sunday, July 28, 2019

1949 Jean's Birthday Card to her mother -May23

Lucie Sarah Brown Ballantyne, mother of Jean Wallace Ballantyne Uible 
May 23, 1880 - February 1, 1957

[Card sent in honor of Lucie's 69th Birthday]

May 23, 1949

We've been quite busy with plumbers and company but most is over now.  Jeanne was over Thursday night and saw Catherine & the play pen in action -- thanks so much.  It arrived Wednesday & has been in almost constant use ever since.

Friday Misses Stromfors, Frew and Brinton -- all co-workers from North Branch came over for the evening.

Yesterday (Saturday) Linn Zook stopped and Lillian Plotkin came to see the baby & bid us farewell.  She stayed for dinner & left about 11:00 P.M.

This afternoon Luke Giles is to study with Harold and his wife Molly is coming with him to see Catherine.  Later this evening Jean Ryan is to come.  So I feel as if we've been having open house since Thursday.

Do hope everything is OK with Daddy but I'm glad he's going to have a check-up for we are anxious about his leg.  Please let us know what report the doctor gives.

Bill is coming up Monday we think & we will be leaving here Tuesday.  As much as we'd like to help out I'm afraid Pittsburgh will be slightly out of the way.  Besides we could use it in New Cumberland during June, couldn't we.  It shouldn't be too hard to dismantle.  [the playpen??]

Thursday when I took Catherine to the doctor, it was such a nice looking day that I wheeled her in the carriage but it rained before we got home.

Dr. Bowen gave her -- her first shot -- a combination of whooping cough, diptheria and tetanus.  She was real good although quite fussy yesterday from it.

Catherine now weighs (or did as of noon Thurs.) -- 14 lbs. 5 oz. and has started on strained foods -- carrots and peas so far & enjoys them immensely.

Today we're trying her out on a schedule of 3 meals a day and she also is back on orange juice as long as it seems to agree with her.

Thanks so very much for all the pretty things you sent -- and very best wishes for a happy, happy birthday & many more of them.

Harold, Jean
and Catherine

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