Sunday, July 21, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -May 4

May 4, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  That clipping on Bill Holmes was very interesting.  Do you want it back?  It has been another busy week for us.  We now have two empty apartments and I have spent several hours getting them ready to re-rent.  The two bedroom the people are moving in tonight and I'm not sure about the one bedroom.

Sandi came over from Eugene with her new assistant, Tonya, on Tuesday, and they did our monthly inspection.  We passed OK even though the grounds look like a disaster area with all the digging for the irrigation or rather sprinkler system.  They are supposed to be done next week but they haven't even finished laying the pipes.  Then they have to till all the soil, plant the grass, shrubs, trees, etc.  We had a load of sand delivered for the play area this week but they were unable to put it in the area (due to the sprinkler system) so we have to wheelbarrow it about 30 feet.  Also we have started the 6-month interior inspection.  We've done nine this week and have the rest scheduled for next week -- after that comes all the repairs that need done -- mostly touch-up painting that the painters missed.  It takes about 15 minutes to do each apartment.  Gerry also has to reset each water heater at 130º as several water heaters in other complexes had the pop-off valve blow causing water everywhere.  Originally all the ones here were were at 140º.

Wendy had a big day last Sunday.  We went to church of course and Gerry and I had made arrangements for Wendy to go with Melissa (one of her babysitters) to Melissa's grandmother's house for the afternoon while Gerry and I played golf.  However when we got to the golf course they were having a tournament so we were unable to play until 5:30.  So we made arrangements with Lisa (another babysitter) for Wendy to go to dinner at Lisa's father's house after she got back with Melissa.  Wendy was home for about 5 minutes in between but was all set to go again when Lisa came after her.  She just said bye-bye and was off.  She loves to go.  I'm sure that was alot more fun for her than staying at home with a babysitter would have ever been.

Gerry joined the golf course or rather we join as a family so now we can play whenever we want at no additional cost.  We had hoped that the membership fee would also include swimming privileges but that costs an extra $50 for the summer and we didn't think we'd be using it that much.

Well, I've got to sweep the sidewalks and get my cleaning supplies out of the apartment that they are moving into today so I better close.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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