Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1984 Catherine's Letter -Nov.15

November 15, 1984

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  Sorry I missed your phone call last weekend -- Wendy told us she talked to you.  I did talk to Roberta Saturday evening.

Wendy enjoyed her Veteran's Day Holiday especially since it was on my day off (the library was closed so I got a comp day which I took the preceding weekend).  She had a "Tea Party" and invited several of her friends although a lot of them were out of town or couldn't come for other reasons.  There were two guests.

We were really pleased with our parent-teacher conference as Wendy's teacher thinks she is doing very well

mmmm wed
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The above was a message from Wendy which she typed while I was fixing her lunch.  What I started to tell you about the conference was that Wendy was chosen as the one from her class to participate in what they call an "able learner" program because of her advanced reading skills.  It is for K-3 and lasts 45 minutes one day per week.  It was supposed to start this week but was postponed until next week.  Her teacher . . . .
. . . . also said she would try to give her some more challenging things to rad in class.  I think we will have exhausted all the "Easy Readers" in Whitman County Library and Moscow Library in a few months.

We got your latest letter on Thursday.  Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.  We are gong shopping tonight to buy our turkey and trimmings.  We have such a small refrigerator/freezer that we've been trying for the pat two weeks to empty if of as much as possible to make room for turkey.

Gerry and I both have to work Friday and Saturday so our babysitter will have extra work this week. Santa Claus is to arrive in Colfax on Friday so Wendy and Elizabeth (the 13-yr-old babysitter) are planning to see him.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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