February 24, 1974
Dear Family,
Hi! It's almost eight o'clock and the Apple Family is on, Grandma and Aunt Mary and Rob are all watching it. It's good--tonight it's about them and the zoo.
I'm really behind in my letter writing, since I didn't work last Sunday and this Sunday I was so darn busy. I did forty dollars more than what two of us did yesterday . . . . and that with Jennifer working from ten till five thirty and me from ten thirty till five yesterday. Originally they cut my hours form eleven till three but then they changed them . . . . . . but I've got a feeling they will be back to eleven to three next Saturday. I sold a thirty dollar badgammon
[sic] game, three ten dollar picture frames to one woman, two sets of cross pens to a couple . . . . a few really good sales!!!!! I had one woman really give the devil to me because we didn't have our Easter cards out yet! Gee--Valentine's Day just over, St. Patrick's Day cards just out . . . . and people complaining about not having Easter cards yet!!!
We got your letter yesterday Mom. Thanks. I'm glad you all enjoyed Maine. I wrote you all a letter and sent it up there but I doubt if you got it.
I just got back from Mrs. Ogden's, the woman who has done alot of altering for me. She took in three more of my dresses and two pair of pants and a top and only charged me five dollars . . . .I would never work that cheap!!!! On top of that she gave me a big bag full of grapefruit . . . ones from her own trees. I'm taking her out to eat on Thursday, probably to the cafeteria downtown. I took her out in August to eat and she is still talking about that so I thought she would enjoy going out again to eat.
Last week was a bad week . . . . . . I don't think I told you but my (well, the) blender completely broke down. That was the big disaster of the week. HA!!! We finally got it back on Friday though and now it works as good as new??!!!
Yesterday Rob played a solo for the band contest and he got a "1" on it, so now he will go to St. Petersbury
[g?] in about six weeks and play for the state something or others. Remember how he talked about the possibility over the summer about going into the army band? Well, he got a letter from them this last week about how he should come in and talk to them about it. He got the letter because he was a member of the ALL STATE BAND.
Last night five of us from school all went to the circus. It was alot of fun . . . . .it's been a long time since I've been at one!!!
Mary Virginia I hope you feel ok by now. AT least this way you got to meet the new doctor in town.
Oh. Mrs. Moore called up Grandma the other day . . . . . from her sister's in West Palm Beach. Poor Grandma's legs are still really swelled up . . . . . she hasn't been able to wear shoes for weeks now. But you never hear her complaining about it all. I'm sure you've heard but they have had her to two doctors and both of them just say that she is disgustingly healthy.
Did I ever tell you about our bus trip to Florida State? We really saw Florida. We went up by way of Tampa and when we came back we came through Orlando. Remember Mary V. our bus ride form Orlando to West Palm Beach??? I really liked Florida State alot. But I still haven't decided yet on whether I want to make the move up there to finish up school. I couldn't get over the "southerness"
[sic] of the whole town . . . . . I guess because they don't have all us Yankees up there as tourists for the winter. They say that it really gets cold there in the winter, but the week-end we were there a sweater was enough.
After I get back from vacation we are going to try to get a "teen-age" weight watcher group going, and if so I'll be in charge of it. Alot of young ones . . . . . all girls have started coming to my Thursday night class at Lantana. It's really been a growing class, which I', happy of. One girl joined about three weeks ago who is just sixteen but weighted
[sic] 296!!! That's no typing error!!!! Mary Virginia I hope you never have to attend a weight watcher meeting!!!!! But, back to the sixteen year old . . . . I think she has lost 23 pounds so far . . . . . alot of that her first week. She's doing good -- I just hope she doesn't quit or give up. Mondays and Thursdays at Lantana are always good . . . . . but oh my Friday mornings!!! Last week the supervisor was there visiting the class and you would have thought I had never ever gone over food program with them!!!! They all managed to come up with the dumbest things . . . . like how much peanut butter would they be allowed if they didn't eat any meat one meal, or if and why they couldn't switch one food for another if it was equal to the same amount of calories. Oh, the week before that they all got to arguing that a tomato was a fruit and not a vegetable. You will be hearing more about my Friday morning people when I get home . . . . . .
Well, I've got to go and study. Social Psych final is a week from tomorrow and I've sure got the reading to do between now and then!!! John-- hope you got everyone straight in Washington D. C. Did you take any pictures . . . . or didn't you want to look like a tourist!!!!
Love, Berta