Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1982 Family Letter - August 29

The top part of this letter must have gotten cut off on this copy as no date shows, but historical research reveals it to have been written in late August 1982.
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[August 29, 1982]
Dearest Family -

It is almost September and school is well under way.  I have finished with library instruction for the junior high and that I am always glad to get over - did all three middle school classes - 6-8th and used film this time which sure helps on the voice angle.

Mary Virginia has now retired from her rope folding - painting job at Wells - they even gave her a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks of the Toy Manufacturers of America - looks real official.  She was cat-sitting for Diane Roberts' kitten so we had quite a time – they were due back Tuesday or Weds.  - we finally called Friday and found they had come home late Tuesday but are leaving again this Thurs. sooooo I sure am not interested in looking after the cat after MV leaves - theirs or ours.  But ---- have found someone who will take ours but MV isn't too happy about it - we would take them back when she is home.  [Mother always said she liked kittens, but it was too bad they grew up to be cats.]

Hope John and X enjoyed their trip to New England and "the farm" [Hudson Guild]. We are anxious to hear about everything when they come in less than two weeks.

Mie Young called last night and is working in her aunt's restaurant in L.A. area and wants to stay there as long as possible.  Her uncle or someone there has gone to Korea to be married and she is helping while he is gone.  It was good talking to her after the trip back.  We really wondered if she would have problems coming back to the US and maybe to Wilmington College.  She still hasn't said when she'll be arriving.

Looking forward to seeing Serena this weekend - she works Saturday from 10 til 4 so won't see her til that afternoon - have called Helen Kuntzman and plan to see them Friday evening - more details about them in next letter after we have seen them but Helen is encouraged just in the last two weeks and hopes to have him out of the nursing home in Greenville and home around Thanksgiving.  He is planning to fly to Florida for Carol's wedding.

Hope every detail worked out in the sale of your house in East Mesa, Roberta - know it would be a relief not to have it but under your conditions instead of the realtor's.  Your classes certainly begin early in the morning - you'll have a full day to use after they are over - on Tuesdays at least.

Mrs. Thornburg finished your purse the same day that we took it to her, Catherine - it is much better now - she kept saying she was glad that you returned it and now she remembers how it had been and is sorry that we had to send it back and forth to Oregon.  I have those boxes of birthday party decorations - favors, etc. and wonder if you could use them for Wendy's birthday this year or want them at all?  A week from tomorrow is Wendy's first day for school and we'll be anxious to hear how she likes it.

They had a fire at Wells last Monday morning in the paint department - more damage by water than by fire.  They cut a big hole in the roof and that has to be patched - they are thinking of putting a sky light there - Wilma Croghan's former picture window which she had used and then donated it to the Go Getter's Yard Sale.

The Lions Club is having a special celebration in honor of their 35th Anniversary this coming Wednesday evening - ladies are invited.  I remember we had just gotten back from a trip (Orient, I believe – [and we can confirm]) when they celebrated the 25th.

Our apple trees have really been producing this summer - the transparent as well as the Rome (sp?) which is a very good eating apple and some say for pies. - Mrs. More is to bring us one today from the apples we gave her last week so will be able to tell you better ten.  It has been a good year for gardens.  We have so much broccoli and brussels sprouts.

[Love, etc.]

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