Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 1989-99 Shoes cost $800

Dad's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Sunday 1989 -We drove out to Harners, then rode bikes to Wilmington.  Jean got her "C" test at Losy's [?] for $5, it is 283.  [No idea what this means.]  Then back to Ponderosa for lunch.  Windy and sunny though cool.

Monday 1990 - [Florida]

Tuesday 1991 - MV called us, Don may get pastorate at Bronston, KY, he has talked with the DS

Friday 1993 - MV on Emmaus Walk Team and Don has class, but had no problems.

Saturday 1994 - Dr. Paul Hayes spoke to our Men's group about the trial that gave proof of Jesus' death and resurrection.  Glass Estate sale.

Sunday 1995 - Ed Johnson spoke on "Procedure" or Else.  The story of a fig tree.  We had made reservations at CMH for lunch, $2.50 and includes the program by Dr. Compton on "Shoulders".  Saw several people that we hadn't seen for awhile, Ralph Rammells [?], he sure has trouble getting around; Gene Whitaker, whose wife had just had an operation; Beverly Sanders and Inga Grove (the girl from Denmark) who are all enthused on taking an "E" trip.  Bev just turned 60.  Visited Extended Care, then Ruth Shoemaker.  Had long conversation with Fl....[?] in Kroger's.  Trouble with her sister.

Tuesday 1996 - Called Roberta, she just got back from San Antonio, she bought about $800 worth of shoes at SAS.  A wet day.  Stanforth and Merritt won in primary.  Stewart lost.  Kevin Greer won in Highland County as Probate Judge.


Mary Uible Crowson said...

My guesses on the questions:
"C" test is actually "G" for glucose, thus it would have been purchased at Losey's Pharmacy in Wilmington. 248 would be the count on the glucometer---"normal" is 70-120.

I think it is Ralph Rannells, but could be mistaken.

Thanks again, so much for putting this on, Catherine--it is the highlight of my day! It is the first website I check 99% of the time! :D

Catherine Uible Morgan said...

From Dad: I had forgotten about the shoes, RUK was buying also for some friends. She told me that the credit card company also called to see if it was really her.

Items from Uible photo album