Sunday, March 24, 2019

1979 Jean's Family Letter -Mar.26

Monday morning
March 26, 1979
Dearest Family –

We have had a busy weekend but do want to get a letter off to you all before too long so that it won't be such a long time since you have heard from us.

Glad that your gum operations are all in the past, Catherine and have no more problems in that direction.  It was so good talking to you on the phone Wednesday and wish we had been able to help Wendy celebrate her 1 1/2 birthday – hardly seems possible.  We have been sharing pictures of all of you lately that were taken in December and January and that's the next best thing to a real visit almost (telephone helps so much too).

Ruth called yesterday and said how happy she had been to get to talk to you, Roberta and was relaying your message to us.  She is coming along real well – for you others' information she got home Thursday and hopefully will not need an operation before June when she is to have some surgery.  She is on a strict diet and allowed only 800 calories a day but seems to be satisfied by it – hasn't lost any weight yet but is not craving water as in the past which just seemed to wash the potassium from her system.

Elizabeth Johnson just left after spending two nights here – we invited her in to hear (and see) Ed Perry and the quartet he is in that sang at the church Saturday nite and Sunday morning.  Yesterday was the beginning of the New Life Mission that the Methodist churches are having this week.  (Anything like that in Mesa or Madras or Denver?)  We have a minister form Defiance who is really a good speaker – he spoke twice yesterday and each evening through Thursday plus each morning a Bible study.  We had another visiting quartet group from Dayton and hope to have as good or better attendance the rest of the week as last night.

The weather was so beautiful for a few days but have had winter back again with snow flurries and its to get to the 20's tonight.  Dad is trying to get things ready for Grandma but the plumber has to make some minor repairs – hate to have her pipes freeze now – she plans to come home Thursday the 5th.  The Hortons are going to the Masters Tournament at Auburn (?) GA and visit Cris and Marita on the weekend before so Grandma is coming earlier for that reason.

Debbie Haines call you Serena or rather wanted your address if you weren't coming home for spring break.  She is working at Clinton Memorial Hospital as a nurse's aid to see what type of health related field she would like.

[Love, etc.]

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