Tuesday, March 19, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.17

March 17, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  thanks for your most recent letter which arrived on Thursday.  I wasn't able to get any letters written Thursday evening while Gerry was at the Elks because I had to go to a meeting on Tenant Rights which was sponsored by the County Extension office.  There weren't many tenants there though, mostly landlords and managers like us but still quite interesting.  Most of things we had heard before when we went to Eugene and are also covered in our notebook but nice to hear some other viewpoints.  The woman who gave the talk was a lawyer.

Sandi (from Chambers) is coming to see us next weekend and bring us the filing cabinet.  She seems to think we are doing an OK job so far so we'll see what she has to say when she actually sees the place.  The last time she was here was early in January when she interviewed us for the job.  We have all of the one bedroom apartments rented now and five of the two bedrooms.  That leaves us with nine of the two's yet to go.  By the time we get them all rented people will probably start moving out and we'll have some turn-over.

I just finished reading Small Town by Sloan Wilson.  It was pretty good so now I am reading The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit also by him.  Also I'm reading a book from the church called China – Search for Community by Whitehead.  They got ten copies and everyone is passing them around in preparation for someone who is coming to give us a series of talks on China.  Evidently there is quite a bit of controversy over this book due to the fact that the author thinks that the Chinese have a very Christian-like society without being Christian as opposed to the U.S.

Wendy has rebounded back to her healthy self.  Her appetite increased quite a bit for the past few days and she has regained all the weight she lost.  Her being sick has made a tremendous difference on her going to sleep at night.  Now at bedtime she lays down with her doll and doesn't cry or anything.  Occasionally she will come back out to the living room after I have put her down but we just tell her to go back to bed and she does.

Twice this past week I left Wendy over at Joan's.  On Wednesday I had the other side of my gum taken care of.  It has given me a little more trouble being sore but not bad.  I've just taken some aspirin.  I go back next Wednesday to have the stitches taken out.  Yesterday I got my hair cut -- just a trim actually -- It is still pretty curly.  The hairdresser said I could probably get it cut in another 6-8 weeks and then get another permanent 6-8 weeks after that.

Tonight we are going to a prime rib dinner at the Elks and the dance afterwards.  Our regular babysitter couldn't come as her boyfriend is home from the army and two other girls I called were also busy so we are taking Wendy over to Joan's and we'll see how that works.  I did get the names of two more babysitter's who live in the neighborhood so I'll have more options the next time if taking her to Joan's in the evening doesn't work very well.

Well, Wendy just woke up from her nap and Gerry will be home soon for lunch so I better get a move on.  I got a letter from Roberta a few days ago and she said she would be sending those pictures from John soon so I may get them yet.  That reminds me I also got a package this week from Alice Symons (Fisher).  She sent Wendy a real cute piggy bank that she made herself.  She said she had been working on it since before Wendy was born.  At least it was nothing to worry about her outgrowing.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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