Sunday, March 03, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.1

March 1, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  This typewriter has been getting a workout lately what with typing all the leases, certifications and the other papers.  I'll be able to charge a new ribbon as a business expense!

Today was a big day in the history of Wendy's vocabulary.  I bought her a new dress and when she tried it on she said "pretty."  And her other new word was "juice."  Now when she is thirsty she goes to the refrigerator and says "juice."

We went to see Beth McDonald (my elderly friend) this afternoon but she wasn't home.  Now I'll have to try to go again tomorrow just to make sure she is OK.  She probably won't remember where she was when I was there today.  Wendy walked all the way from here to Beth's house.  I had taken the back pack so she went the rest of the way downtown and back in that.

We've rented out 7 apartments now – six of the 1 bedrooms and one 2 bedroom.  For tenants so far we have two bank tellers, one potato inspector, one welder, one fiberglass laminator, a warehouseman, and a school teacher.  One of the bank tellers has a daughter a few months older than Wendy, and the couple in the two bedroom apartment have two children, a 3-year-old and a 8 month old son.

Did I tell you about the lady I met at the La Leche meeting who had five children 15-19 and is now pregnant?  I probably did.

Yesterday we went out to lunch at the Meet Market up by Safeway and next week we are planning to go up to Kah-nee-ta to collect our free dinner.  We are going to go with Ron and Georgette.  Speaking of our former neighbors – Shade [born blind] has been making lots of progress latetly.  She is talking more and has also started to crawl.  Also she's beginning to look less like an infant.

The dishes are waiting to be done so I better close.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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