Saturday, March 23, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.26

March 26, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Sorry I didn't get a letter off last week.  It was a pretty busy week with Le Leche on Wednesday morning and then Thursday morning I went to a babysitting co-op meeting as you may recall Mother, had been originally scheduled for that snowy day in January.  On Friday I had to do quite a bit of work around the apartments in preparation for our inspection on Saturday.

As for the inspection . . . .  It went OK I guess.  Sandi checked our files to make sure I was doing all of the paperwork correctly, then she checked the grounds and one of our vacant apartments.  She said I should get some paper sleeves to put around the curtains in the vacant apartments to hold the pleasts in place.  That was her only suggestion.  Her husband tried to change the lock on the laundry room door but it still wasn't right.  It is supposed to be fixed so that each tenant's apartment key also opens the laundry room.  Right now only the master key and laundry room key fit so that I have to open it every morning and lock it at night.  I have the hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. so I don't have to stay up all night while someone does there laundry.  Anyway this new lock was so that all the apartment keys fit it but it didn't relock automatically after the key was taken out which is what they want.  Sandi had told us they would be here early in the morning so as not to interfere with any other plans we might have.  I was to help at the church to prepare a Chinese dinner to be served after church on Sunday and Gerry was to play golf.  However, they didn't arrive until 1:30.  I went to the church late and was able to help for an hour or so but Gerry passed up his golf to stay home with Wendy.  He didn't think he would have time to play enough to make it worthwhile.

Saturday night we used our new babysitter, Darcy, and went to the Elks for a crab & shrimp dinner and then stayed for the dance.  Darcy seemed to do fine she said Wendy only cried for about one minute after we left and went to bed without any fuss.  This coming Friday I think we are going to dinner at Kah-nee-ta with Ron & Georgette but Darcy's family is going away so I have to find a different babysitter.  Wednesday night this week is the monthly Elks birthday dinner but we can take Wendy to that.

Wendy did fine in the church nursery yesterday and after church she really enjoys running around with all the other kids.  She found out she could stand on the air vent and she thought it was nifty when her dress ballooned out around her.  One of the older girls thought that was real cute and Wendy soon had a big audience.  One child told me that Wendy looked pregnant!

Last week I fixed chicken kiev Mexican style from a recipe in the March issue of Sunset.  We really liked it.  I'd say it is one of our best dinners ever.  It sounded like it would be kind of difficult to make but I didn't have any trouble.  The nicest part is that it needs to be fixed ahead of time and then refrigerated before baking so it would be a good company meal.  Wendy is getting so she likes to eat whatever we eat – Saturday she ate pizza and yesterday she gobbled up quiche.  I used almost the last of the swiss cheese you brought out in the quiche.  The other cheese has been gone for quite awhile.

This morning I finally got our income taxes done.  We had to file both California and Oregon returns as well as the federal forms.  Due to Gerry's unemployment during the summer our taxes weren't as high as they would have been.  Usually we like to have it so we don't get a refund since we would rather have the money throughout the year instead of having the government hold it for us.  But this year we will be getting some money back.  I doubt that will be the case in 1979 since we will have to pay taxes on what we make from this apartment deal and they don't take any tax money out of it at all, just social security.

I overheard the librarian telling someone that she might be going to retire next year since her husband will be retiring from his teaching.  I am in hopes of talking to her about it to find out if they have anyone else in mind for the job or if I could be considered.  I sure would like to have the job.

Well, it is time to get lunch ready.

Catherine Gerry
& Wendy

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