Thursday, February 21, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Feb.19

Monday –
Feb. 19, 1979
Dearest Family,

Think that I am gradually getting back to normal after a wonderful trip – the best of any conducted tour that we have ever taken – not just for the money but for the value received.  The worst part was the going and coming when we were herded around like sheep but other than that, we really enjoyed it.  Eight of us went from New Vienna – Carol, Jim and Lori Wise, John and Marie Cooper, Carolyn Thornburg, Homer and Jo Williams, Robert and Audrey Terrell and with us that adds up to not eight but 12.  The minister from the Church of God in Wilmington and his wife also went and a mother and daughter from Jim's former church near Ansonia and we were all most congenial.  We were part of a group of about 48 that more or less rode the same bus and stayed at the same motel/hotels.  Paul and Maxine Steele were also part of the 540 that were there at the same time.  We only saw them one evening when we went to the same concert and ended up sitting in the same first row.

Each morning we had someone from Israel speak to us on what we would be seeing that day – they were all outstanding specialists in their fields.  I thought that 7:30 for a lecture would come awfully early but they really held our attention.  In our same group was a very nice young fellow who will soon take his CPA exam.  He is formerly from Germantown and we found we had relatives in common.  Hi name is Mark Hiestand and he wants to bring his parents and come and see us and meet more of the Hiestands.

The first three nights we were in Netanya and had a beautiful view of the Mediterranean from our balcony.  Two days we took trips out from there – one day to the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan and visited the towns of Tiberias, Capernium, and the former cities of Caesarea and Megiddo.  The third day we left for Jerusalem where we stayed at a beautiful Inter Continental Hotel which is located on the Mount of Olives and overlooks the old city of Jerusalem – a fantastic view.  We stopped for a bite to eat at two different kibbutzes (plural?) and would have liked to have a tour of one of them but arrangements have to made much ahead of time.  We also went down to Jericho and to the Dead Sea where I went wading and saw where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls (also the museum where they are kept) and the Masada where over 900 committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans in 73 A.D.. Herod had built a palace on the site of this Jewish fortress and had very elaborate water system on top of the mountain with pools and saunas for his soldiers and his family as well.

I am sure we will have some pictures to show you eventually – some we took and some we have ordered.  Two Catholic nuns went out of their way to show us around in Old Jerusalem which made our visit that much more memorable.  We did a little shopping but wish that I had done more.  Our guide on the bus did an excellent job as well as the bus driver – one was Jewish and the other Arab but an excellent combination.

We got back to Columbus Thursday morning around 5AM – about five hours late and home by 8.  Dad had a hearing that afternoon so only got about an hour's sleep for he had to get ready for it.  John surprised us that evening but we weren't very good company either then or Friday night for we were still so sleepy.

Mary Virginia came in Saturday evening.  We had arranged her flight so she wouldn't have to change but due to mechanical difficulties she did change even airlines but got in earlier than finally scheduled so was waiting at the airport when we made our 2nd trip but were able to get her luggage as she changed too quick to get it on with her.  She really enjoyed school and church and being with Roberta and Marion and first thing she wanted to know if she could do it next year only stay longer.

One time we were going back to the hotel on the city bus and the driver announced "End of Line" and we were still about a half a mile from the hotel.  Then he said I'll take you on down there – this is just another incident where we found the people hospitable.  The bus even took American coins for the fare.

The shepherds are still out there on those Judean hills tending the flocks and the bedouin tents made it seem so realistic.  Just east of Jerusalem the rainfall drops to virtually nothing and naturally there is the big change in the plant life – a half hour later the altitude has dropped over 3000 feet and the weather is HOT.  Jericho is an oasis full of outdoor restaurants and fruit stands.

Today has been a static day for Dad . . . he and John left here about 7 this morning and found out in Columbus that the flights to NYC were off because of the bad weather in NYC, so he came home on the bus and plans to go back tomorrow.  The toy show is on this week.

[Love, etc. . . .]

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