Sunday, February 24, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Feb.20

February 22, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia

Hi!  Received your second card from Israel and the March issue of Sunset magazine in yesterday's mail.  Now I'll have to mail them off the change of address card and we'll be all set as far as everything being changed over to the new address I think.

So far we have rented one apartment – only 24 more to go.  I have gotten maybe 5 phone calls since the ad came out in the paper and three or four people have been around to see them.  I just now had a young couple who was very interested until they told me they had a waterbed and we don't allow waterbeds so that was the end of that.

Wendy did fine last night with the babysitter.  Tina said that Wendy only cried for a few seconds after we left and then she went to sleep at 7:30 which is earlier than she usually goes to sleep for us.  Tina is a junior in high school but said she has been babysitting since she was 13.  Her boyfriend is in the army so she has plenty of free evenings.  We asked her to come again on Saturday night.

The Elks indoctrination was very interesting.  They had a slide show about the history of the organization and the kinds of charitable work they do.  Also showed quite a few pictures of their headquarters in Chicago.  Have we been there?  It looked to be an octagonal (or round) structure located on north shore drive or Lake Shore Drive whatever it is.  Here in Oregon they sponsor an Eye Clinic for children in Portland in connection with the Univ. of Oregon.  Joan's daughter, Shade, has an appointment to go there next month.  They also have a Ladies of Elks organization but I don't think I will join right now anyway.  It is mostly older ladies and their primary purpose seems to be to fix and serve dinners for the men.  I told Gerry I can fix his dinner at home.  Maybe after we know more people who are in it I will feel more like joining.

I had to get a prescription from the Dr. yesterday to dry my milk up as it didn't seem to be happening on its own and was getting very painful.  Wendy is drinking more milk with her meals now and she has slept through the night in her own bed for almost a week now.  That make it easier for us to get a good night's sleep.

Well, I have some phone calls to make regarding the apartments so I better close.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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