Wednesday, February 20, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Feb.16

Friday morning
February 16, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  Nice talking to you this morning, Mother.  I just wanted to send you a short note to mention the things I forgot to talk about and to send you some more pictures of Madras in flood stage.

I went to the dentist earlier this morning and had half of that gum work done.  My mouth doesn't hurt too much now but the anesthetic hasn't worn completely off either.  I have to go back on Tuesday to check on the stitches.  And then in a couple of weeks I'll have the other side done.

Do you have the address of Sunset magazine as I haven't received any copies yet and I thought I could write them a note about the change of address.  Or do you have something else I should send in?  I'm sure I could get the address easily enough from another copy of the magazine.  The mailman has been good about bringing all of our mail regardless of whether it says G or H (street) so I don't think the problem is here in Madras.  I haven't received any Book Digest's either but I figured maybe March would be the first one.  Probably I will get copies of both in today's mail right after I have written to you.

I finished the first container of rhubarb and now I'm working on the plums.  They sure are good.  I've had plums and yogurt, plums and ice cream, and just plain plums.  I imagine the ice cream will have pretty good taste this afternoon after being to the dentist.

We are anxious to hear more details about your trip.  Glad to hear you had a good time.  Did going with a bunch of people from New Vienna make any difference?

We went to dinner last night at Sonny's – the Chinese restaurant here.  We weren't sure what to expect since we had heard some very contradictory reports regarding the food.  It wasn't bad though.  They even gave Wendy a complimentary dish of ice cream.

Next week we are all going to the monthly birthday dinner at the Elks and then Gerry has his indoctrination after that.  More on that later . . . .

Love, Catherine, Gerry and Wendy

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