Wednesday, September 12, 2018

1998 Calvin Smith Letter -Sep.19

Calvin died about six months later on March 12, 1999.  His wife, Jean, died in 2000.

Calvin C. Smith
33 Gates Circle
Buffalo, NY 14209
September 19, 1998
Dear Harold,

What a very lovely surprise to get your telephone call last night!  I didn't come to the phone right away because I thought it was probably a political call asking for money, of which there are legion these days.  Then a thrill of pleasure when Jean announced you.

It was pleasant to get caught up on at least some of the news from dear old New Vienna: the resurfaced Main St., the scandal among village authorities (at least it wasn't sex), the re-used Streber's store – and your law practice.  I'm glad you enjoy it.

Aside from my terrible summer, about which I spoke at too great length last night, I've been trying to complete the translation of a French book recounting the story of several branches of a merchant and banking family of the minor nobility just before and after the Revolution.  Its Buffalo interest lies in the fact that one of the several sons was Louis "the American," who, after doing business with Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution and one-time owner of most of Western New York, traveled through this area for two years with only a servant, and eventually became in the early 1800's an early settler of Buffalo and one of its early distinguished citizens, Louis Etienne Le Conteulx de Caumont.  I'm now 3/4 of the way through the first draft.  I called the author, a descendant of the Le Conteulx family, when we were last in Paris, and got her permission.

We visited with John & Erica and grandsons Nicholas (7) and Patrick (4) in July up at her grandfather's summer place in Maine on the coast – a large sprawling place with boats and beaches – a lovely interlude that involved driving through delightful country: Mohawk Valley, Adirondack foothills, the Berkshires.

Now it only remains to say Hello to Jean and to wish you and your family good health and much happiness.

Jean sends warm regards.


Anonymous said...

What BEAUTIFUL handwriting and did he ever finish the project? I don't remember ever meeting him.

Serena said...

I do remember meeting him. I can’t say that I remember him very well. He was quite an intellectual as I remember. Mom and dad saw him on their first trip to Europe back in 1954. I believe he was there as a Rhodes Scholar, but I’m fuzzy on that ... so maybe just studying there. Mother had great stories about all the walking they did with Calvin to save money and spending less on taxis.

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