Tuesday, September 11, 2018

1988 MV's Letter -Sep.18

Dear Mom and Dad and Grandma,

Welcome back from Holland!  I hope you had a good trip.  I've had only one postcard thus far but I'm sure they're keeping you busy.

The past 2-3 weeks since arriving back in Wilmore have been very hectic.  Bill Goold was flat on his back in bed for 2 weeks with what the Dr. thought was a herniated or ruptured disc.  So I ended up directing the choir at church and Singing Seminarians here at school and other "little" things necessitated under those two headings.  Today was his first Sunday back in Church and Tuesday he'll be back teaching.  I enjoyed covering for him, but wish I hadn't had all my normal duties to keep after.

Classes are going fine.  I've ended up taking voice lessons for credit because there was a stink raised over me continuing to study with Ginny while not doing so for credit.  So now I'm taking 15 hours this semester.  None of my classes meet more than once a week.  I have one that meets 3 hours once a week (Foundations of Church Growth), 2 that meet 2 hours once a week (Character of a Methodist and Music Ministry to Youth and Adults).  Then there's conducting, Singing Seminarians and Basic Theology.

On October 2 I'm becoming an affiliate member of the UM church here in Wilmore in hopes that will help me with the Kentucky Conference, should I get a church job around here.

I appreciate you transporting John to and from the Walk this weekend.  If you would, there's a comforter (in a box) on the right side of my closet that you could take with you Thursday.  I'll drop him a note of explanation this week.

I have to work Friday and Saturday so I won't be able to there for Candlelight or closing.  I'm sure everything will be fine, I'd just like to be able to be there.

Today I ordered tickets for some performances at the Kentucky Center for the Arts in Louisville – among other things they are having the Radio Stutgard Sumphony (Oct. 31), Kathleen Battle (Soprano in January) and Vladimir Feltzman (Russian Pianist in March).

Anxious to hear about your trip.  The organist at Wilmore U.M. is originally from Holland and wanted information on the trip.

Mary Va.

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