Saturday, September 08, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Sep.13

Wed. P.M., Sept. 13, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad & Mary Virginia,

Hi!  We haven't gotten a letter from you yet this week but then the mailman hasn't come yet today.  Sorry that Dad won't be coming to California with you, Mother, but we'll be looking forward to seeing you at Christmas time.  Do you think Serena may make it this Christmas?

Wendy is practicing all her tricks so she'll be able to show off for Grandma.  She climbs up on the coffee table but she has learned how to back herself off of it so she doesn't fall off quite as often.  It still makes me nervous when I see her on it though.

Gerry is flying from San Francisco to Redmond, Oregon this Saturday morning and then coming back Saturday evening so it will be a long day.  We are really hoping that it works out but we don't want to be super disappointed if it doesn't.

Is there any chance you will be going to Velvasheen before you come to California?  Gerry could use some more shirts as he wears them to work everyday.  They don't have to be the rugby type.  If not now, then maybe by Christmas.

I met this girl named Kelly at the Newcomers meeting last week.  She has a little boy named Andrew who will be a year old on October 3.  Yesterday Wendy & I went to the park with them.  Andrew is about half the size of Wendy.  He doesn't walk yet but he crawls on his hands & feet (as opposed to Wendy who crawls on her knees) and he can really move.  He also makes about ten times as much noise as she does.  They moved to Gilroy from Maryland.

I will probably try to call you on Sunday or Monday morning as we should know then the outcome of Gerry's interview.  The mailman just came and went and no letter from you.  I'll wait until tomorrow to finish this.  It's now Thursday A.M. and Wendy just went down for her nap.  It is a beautiful day here, warm with sunny blue skies.  I hope the traveling trio is having good weather.  We haven't heard anything from them yet so we are guessing when they will be coming to Gilroy.

Our friends Alice & Bob (she was the co-chairman of the membership committee of the Newcomers with me) are moving to Connecticut today.  She brought us over a couple boxes of food and open jars of stuff they didn't want to take.  One was a box of Roman Meal cereal which I cooked for breakfast this morning.  I liked it alright but Wendy just kept spitting it out.  She likes things she can rub between her fingers before eating better.  The other day she ate a whole peach.  Luckily I was able to get hold of the seed before she swallowed it.

Every time I would open the refrigerator door she would grab this peach which was sitting on the bottom shelf so finally I put her in her highchair and let her have it.  I figured she would gnaw on it for awhile and then throw it on the floor but she ate it.  Yesterday she ate most of a nectarine but I had to peel it first as it had a tougher skin and then it was juicier so she was a real mess by the time she was done.

Kelly and Andrew are coming over right after lunch today so I am going to go ahead and put this out for the mailman.  If there is something in your letter that I'll need to respond to I will just have to send you a post card!

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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