Thursday, September 27, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.21

 Wednesday –
January 21, 1948
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I received your long letter yesterday and so sorry you were so long in receiving mine.

The oranges also arrived yesterday and every one is perfect shape and how tasty!  They're a real treat after the measly ones you have to buy here.  I guess they were brought by the Railway Express Friday but no one was here so they mailed a card asking I call them or pick them up so I called Monday as soon as I read the card so they brought them yesterday.  They are very good.

I know you are anxious about Bob too since everything seems twice as serious if you can't be on hand to help.  Just to make sure I called Virginia just a few minutes ago and she said Bob was out of the hospital Saturday and feeling fine – and she'd talked to him from the office today – Wed. so there is very little to worry about.  The doctor thought everything had been cured but this happened so he gave him a double dose of the radium seeds to really make sure this time.  Bob is certainly able to be up and about and is talking of going to New York soon.

I had a letter from Harriette last week explaining why they hadn't made it and understood they would be over as soon as Bob had taken another treatment at the hospital but your letter alarmed me so that I wanted to find out more for all our sakes.  So please don't get all upset as the doctor says he's coming along fine now.

I had a very nice letter (airmail) from Gretchen [presumably Gretchen Kessel Malloy, granddaughter of Charles Alexander Ballantyne (1875-1957, brother of Nat Ballantyne), Gretchen would have been 17 in 1948] today and she wants full particulars of all my plans – It was very sweet of her to write to me.  I've been talking to Miss Strombors and she seems to think that April would be a much better time – for things aren't so busy as the first week in June – with school ending the summer reading clubs, etc.  Had you planned on coming up very soon? – before April 1st, that is.  Harold has a week's spring vacation – Apr.3-Apr.12.  So it really could be arranged providing it would suit you.  You'll be having to spring house clean anyway and so you might as well get some special use of having everything spic & span.  Do you see any objections in having it earlier.  Please let me know as soon as possible for I haven't given her a "yes" or "no" yet on April.

Harold will be having his heaviest classes Friday and Saturday next semester – 4 on Fri. and 4 on Saturday.  Perhaps the Monday following would be best – that's Apr. 5.  But the day and hour can be arranged after we decide the approximate date.  I had no idea things would be stepped up so but Harold will have no time off between semesters next fall – unless all his exams are the first part of the week – his next vacation is at Christmas.

Another advantage in April is the fact that in June, Harold has his exams.  If we have to go apartment hunting and then moving in and fixing up before June 5 – it would greatly conflict with his exams – This way we can be in & beginning to get settled by that time.

Just let me know as soon as you have given this a little thought as to the advantages & disadvantages of April.  Harold's parents are usually back by that time so I doubt if we have much conflict there.

I bet Freeman is so proud of himself, for winning that Esterbrooks pencil & being 4th in the class.  That's grand.

I've been doing a little more cooking each week so I'm not near as frightened.  Friday night we went to Miss Stromfors for a pot luck dinner – very good it was – but also very rich.  Tuna fish loaf fixed with potato chips and cream of mushroom soup and baked.  Sweet potatoes in a delicious syrup, a salad mold made out of gelatin, cottage cheese, tomato juice, mayonnaise, onion, cucumber, cream, etc.  Then for dessert we had apple pie a la mode.  I've never felt so uncomfortable in all my life.  Miss S. then showed us her collection of dolls – about 70 brought from countries all over the world.

Sunday we had a delicious roast veal which lasted for cold cuts & sandwiches thru last night.

I'm swinging [working late?] today so I must get ready to get back to work.

Let me know as soon as possible please.

All my love,

Hope Mr. Forgey [?] is feeling much better & able to be about.

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