Sunday, September 30, 2018

1948 Jean's Valentine to her parents - Feb.

[Feb 1948]

Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I received your letter yesterday so will start making definite plans now for April at home.  The library has given me April 1-15 off.  I had Cleveland in mind when I asked for it so will try to get off a little earlier since its to be in New Cumberland.  It's to be my vacation so hope they'll consent to a little more time.

That was so nice of Sarah to offer to help.  Do you suppose she might be able to come in April as well as June.  I'll try to write her a little note.  Will write real soon. 

I do hope our plans aren't upsetting you too much.

Do you think we should have something at the Country Club.  Could you write about the date?

Perhaps I won't have Rev. Smith altho I would like to.  I'll write to Rev. Hurkey. 

All my very best love,

Saturday, September 29, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.28

A partial letter with Jean at her most persuasive . . . .


. . . . I seriously don't believe we are rushing into things blindly by considering April.  The disadvantages seem to be piled much higher against June.

The Uibles wrote Harold that they planned to be back by the first part of April so that would fit with them alright and Mrs. Uible mentioned the fact that that time would be much better than later when there'd be so much confusion.

We can't possibly set a date that would be agreeable with all concerned but if we made things very simple in April, don't you think it would be best?

We'll both be wrecks in June if he's struggled through his exams and I've spent a hectic week of school visiting – both of us with other things on our minds.  Or do you suggest we wait until Christmas – that's a very long time.

We can't go ahead planning anything til we decide on the time.  I have thought about it all this past week since I talked to Miss Stromfors and wrote to you and in my mind April would be the best time.  I'd rather minimize the formalities and have everything as plain as possible.  Please reconsider everything and I hope you'll see it through that we have chosen the better time.  Would it be rushing you too much?

We had an awfully nice dinner Sunday evening with the Uibles and later played bridge.  They have 3 lovely children – Frank 13, Ann 8 and David 6.  They live just one street beyond Hessler – on Bellflower Road and have a very nice home with all the conveniences.  Their children go to private schools, love all sorts of good things – belong to Junior Literary Guild, have subscription to Record of the Month – music for children & quite good.  Mrs. Uible is full of fun and seems to get so much enjoyment out of her children.

It is getting late & I'll not rehash my thoughts all over again but please reconsider for honestly – it seems the best thing to me – and I don't want to be selfish or disturb Bob and Harriette's trip or your plans.  Just give it a few more minutes of your time – in the meantime I'll be very anxiously awaiting your letter. 

All my very best love, 

Friday, September 28, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.21

Wednesday –
Jan. 21, 1948
Dearest Mother and Daddy –

This is just a note  to surprise you, I hope – if it reaches you very soon – to let you know that I heard when I got to the library tonight that we are receiving a $300 raise.  It couldn't come in any handier or at a better time.  We heard about 3 weeks ago that Cleveland was to get this much – and thought we'd have to be happy with perhaps the $120 annual increment.  So this really was a very pleasant surprise.  Ellen got even a higher raise because they (Cleveland Public Library) gave extra raises according to the size library you are in – her raise is $540 but I don't begrudge her a penny just as long as I can hold on to a little bit of that three hundred.

Since November the bank has been taking $18.75 of my account for a bond for me and send it about the end of each month.  It seems much easier to save this way trying to put that much away out of each check.

Harold is going to work three afternoons at the Law School Library each week beginning the first of February.  He says that he's allowed to study during that time too.

I forgot to mention that when I talked to Virginia I mentioned the possibility of going to Pittsburgh the 7th of February if they do not have anything planned.  I've asked for Saturday 1/2 day and it's between semesters & therefor a good time for Harold to go.

Jeanne is calling her mother now since its been over a week since she's heard from her so perhaps she will have some news of New Cumberland.  Jeanne just told me that Rosemary and the baby are going to England this spring for a month.  They have their passports now.

Ruth is quite busy now as she has a final examination Saturday morning and that same afternoon she has to take a comprehensive exam on all her art work and courses in order to receive her Masters this February.

By the way Harold will have exams the 4th (Graduation Day) and after so he & the others will not receive their A.B. degrees until June.  They (faculty) just aren't taking any chances.

I did mention that I had left my pearls in St. Petersburg didn't I?  Also the little black book.  I'd truly appreciate it if you could mail them up.

I bought a new hat this afternoon as I felt I just couldn't get along the rest of the winter without one!  It's black with gold trim – not too good with my new red coat but should be OK with Your Persian Lamb.  Harold's cousins, the Mr. & Mrs. Frank Uibles have invited us for dinner this coming Sunday.  Mr. Uible is a lawyer and teaches a course a year at Law school.  His wife also is a member of the Bar.  They have three children – about 13-9-7 boy-girl-boy – all in private schools in the city.

Did I tell you Mrs. McGonagle and Doris came in the library last Thurs. night?  Yes – I guess I did – she went on about how terrible Morrow Davis seems.  I had a note from Cousin Mary thanking me for the renewal of McCall's  & the two hankies I sent – of course she never mentioned Morrow.

Hope you have received and answered my other letters written today by the time you read this.

All my best love,

Hope I'm not spoiling you with a letter so soon – I doubt if this will keep up.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.21

 Wednesday –
January 21, 1948
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I received your long letter yesterday and so sorry you were so long in receiving mine.

The oranges also arrived yesterday and every one is perfect shape and how tasty!  They're a real treat after the measly ones you have to buy here.  I guess they were brought by the Railway Express Friday but no one was here so they mailed a card asking I call them or pick them up so I called Monday as soon as I read the card so they brought them yesterday.  They are very good.

I know you are anxious about Bob too since everything seems twice as serious if you can't be on hand to help.  Just to make sure I called Virginia just a few minutes ago and she said Bob was out of the hospital Saturday and feeling fine – and she'd talked to him from the office today – Wed. so there is very little to worry about.  The doctor thought everything had been cured but this happened so he gave him a double dose of the radium seeds to really make sure this time.  Bob is certainly able to be up and about and is talking of going to New York soon.

I had a letter from Harriette last week explaining why they hadn't made it and understood they would be over as soon as Bob had taken another treatment at the hospital but your letter alarmed me so that I wanted to find out more for all our sakes.  So please don't get all upset as the doctor says he's coming along fine now.

I had a very nice letter (airmail) from Gretchen [presumably Gretchen Kessel Malloy, granddaughter of Charles Alexander Ballantyne (1875-1957, brother of Nat Ballantyne), Gretchen would have been 17 in 1948] today and she wants full particulars of all my plans – It was very sweet of her to write to me.  I've been talking to Miss Strombors and she seems to think that April would be a much better time – for things aren't so busy as the first week in June – with school ending the summer reading clubs, etc.  Had you planned on coming up very soon? – before April 1st, that is.  Harold has a week's spring vacation – Apr.3-Apr.12.  So it really could be arranged providing it would suit you.  You'll be having to spring house clean anyway and so you might as well get some special use of having everything spic & span.  Do you see any objections in having it earlier.  Please let me know as soon as possible for I haven't given her a "yes" or "no" yet on April.

Harold will be having his heaviest classes Friday and Saturday next semester – 4 on Fri. and 4 on Saturday.  Perhaps the Monday following would be best – that's Apr. 5.  But the day and hour can be arranged after we decide the approximate date.  I had no idea things would be stepped up so but Harold will have no time off between semesters next fall – unless all his exams are the first part of the week – his next vacation is at Christmas.

Another advantage in April is the fact that in June, Harold has his exams.  If we have to go apartment hunting and then moving in and fixing up before June 5 – it would greatly conflict with his exams – This way we can be in & beginning to get settled by that time.

Just let me know as soon as you have given this a little thought as to the advantages & disadvantages of April.  Harold's parents are usually back by that time so I doubt if we have much conflict there.

I bet Freeman is so proud of himself, for winning that Esterbrooks pencil & being 4th in the class.  That's grand.

I've been doing a little more cooking each week so I'm not near as frightened.  Friday night we went to Miss Stromfors for a pot luck dinner – very good it was – but also very rich.  Tuna fish loaf fixed with potato chips and cream of mushroom soup and baked.  Sweet potatoes in a delicious syrup, a salad mold made out of gelatin, cottage cheese, tomato juice, mayonnaise, onion, cucumber, cream, etc.  Then for dessert we had apple pie a la mode.  I've never felt so uncomfortable in all my life.  Miss S. then showed us her collection of dolls – about 70 brought from countries all over the world.

Sunday we had a delicious roast veal which lasted for cold cuts & sandwiches thru last night.

I'm swinging [working late?] today so I must get ready to get back to work.

Let me know as soon as possible please.

All my love,

Hope Mr. Forgey [?] is feeling much better & able to be about.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.15

[Written on both sides of very thin paper, this letter is difficult to read on the original and the scanned version. . . .]
Thursday –
Jan. 15, 1948
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I received your long letter yesterday and appreciate all the suggestions that you made.

And yes, before I forget, I have missed my jacket – and also the little black book which Mr. Ord Lough gave me.  It was in the top left hand drawer with Daddy's book shortly before I left.  In the hurry I guess I forgot both.

I did forget to to include Miss Crane's name – or  perhaps felt it would be so far for her to come.  We would both like to have her though if it's possible for her to make it.  Would we have to take care of all these people at our house the night before, though?

I like the idea of having the wedding at 11:30 if the out of towners could make it by that time.

Harold has a very good friend in New Vienna who plays the piano & would like him to come & play if possible.  I just want Jane to sing.  Elloise's voice isn't that outstanding.  I don't have to have Mrs. Hurley or anyone else, do I?

I think Lynn [Zook] will be Harold's best man for we are sure that he can be there and besides he is a very close friend & we'd like to have him.  He is working on his Master's in Psychology and then is going to get his doctor's degree.  We helped him last Friday night by taking three of his tests. [?]  His father is a Friends Minister in Garfield Heights – one of the suburbs.  Lynn is part time janitor and also a Fuller Brush Salesman during the week.  So he's kept quite busy.

In case Harold's friend can't come from New Vienna to play – surely Mary Eve or Ellen or someone could do that.  I know our piano is in bad shape.  Would it cost too much to rent a little organ – one of those console types?

Would it be proper to use Sarah and/or Mary Ellen even though I wear just a street-length dress:  I'd love to have them in it fut feel it would be rather unusual to have children in such an informal wedding.

I would rather not have included the Younts before some other people at home but felt you would feel we should have them.

It has been very cold here – was one below last night and to get coler again tomorrow.  How I wish I were in Florida now!

Thanks for sending the oranges and I'll appreciate it if you send some to the library – 1481 Hayden Ave. when the real good ones come in.

I bet it's hard to read when this paper is so thin – I snitched it from the library and am finishing it on library time.

Tomorrow night all of us here at North are going up to Miss Stromfers [?] for a pot luck supper.  I'm to bring rolls and butter so get off easy in the cooking line.

Will write again soon but wanted to get this off to you tonight.

All my love ––

P.S. I still prefer home to church – simpler to decorate – more intimate, but of course – more work for you – I hope not.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Jan.(?)

Jan '48 (?)
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

I didn't get to thank you half enough for each & every little thing you did for me – and Harold.  We really didn't stop to realize how little time we shared with you for the minutes sped by so quickly.  It was very selfish and I see the reasons clearly now why you should feel the way you do.

We had a lovely trip Tuesday – stopping in Sarasota to see the Charles Ringling Museum.  Wonderful collection of European paintings – Italian sunken garden and then later we saw the United States Sugar Corporation Mill at Clearwater arriving in Lake Worth at 6:30.  Thanks alot for the delightful lunch which we ate off and on the whole way.

Mrs. Uible had a nice supper awaiting us – lamb, spinach, sliced tomatoes, squash, strawberries & cupcakes.

Afterwards we went down to the Gulf Stream Hotel & had a nice chat with Mr. and & Mrs. Mase – whom Mr. & Mrs. Ord Lough know in Fairmont.  Mr. Mase seems & looks very well although Mrs. Mase mentioned several times how ill he had been & all their hopes are for his complete recovery.

I was determined not to give the Uibles as raw a deal as we gave you so we were home & in bed (each in his own!) by 11:30 Tuesday night.

Yesterday we drove to West Palm Beach & checked on the reservation looked around there and then on to Palm Beach – all those beautiful homes, along the water, with some remnants of the storm still in sight – the huge Breakers Hotel – we walked around the patio – gardens – veranda, lobby, etc.  We also stopped to see the Church – Bethesda (yes?) by the Sea and the Society of the Four Arts – both such picturesque places.

We also went to the beach in the afternoon – it was lovely and warm – Not a big crowd but enough to prove that – it was warm enough to go in the water.

Last night the four of us went out to dinner & later Harold and I drove up to see the different Christmas displays.  In West Palm Beach they had a very musical one put up by the town – covering a wide area – 100 feet or more –

Just landed in Cleveland now – 7:30 P.M. – after rather rough trip.  Plane never left Jacksonville til 4:00 – five hours after it was due to leave due to bad weather in Cleveland.  Only 2 flights have landed here all day.

Baggage just in ––

Will write later . . .

All my love,

Monday, September 24, 2018

1947 Jean's Letter -Dec.

[beginning of this letter either was not saved or is still hiding in the archives.]

[no date but apparently was written before Dec. 11, 1947]

. . . . so little respect for the library or librarians.  I haven't talked to her yet but hear she plans to keep on working – she's just taking the 19th through the 25th off.  They aren't (the library) isn't going to have things that easy with me – but time will tell.

As far as I know, I will be given a ring for my birthday but that's as far as things are planned so far.  I hate to think of waiting a year and a half – until June 1949 yet this June is so close.  Harold's longest vacations now are – the two weeks each year he is given at Christmas – all others are just about one week.  We don't have to decide on that right away though.

In case you are still interested, I've been looking at Sterling silver and think I like Wallace's Stradivari the best – it's not too plain yet not too much and is beautiful from all angles – side, front and back.  Yet it's different from other patterns too.  

You didn't mention other packages coming to St Petersburg but I hope you'll remember to watch how they are addressed – any in my name are likely to be your gifts.

I haven't bought Harold anything yet for I can't think of a thing he needs – both he and Daddy are awfully hard to buy for.  I've sent away for salt & pepper shakers for Virginia so hope they arrive in time.

I'm writing this on the street car so its no wonder its so illegible.  I called Bobbie up & talked to her about her plans – she doesn't sound overly enthusiastic – of course she doesn't have too much time.  She's to be married at home – Leroy, N.Y. & her mother & father are in Florida – no doubt St. Pete.  She plans to work until summer anyway.

Yesterday we had roast lamb, brown potatoes & carrots, gravy, ice cream with a butterscotch sauce – made from – 1 can of Bordens milk boiled in water for 3 hours – very very delicious though quite rich.

I got up early & went to Main Library this morning (7:30) to type up reviews of 5 new books I'd had out for 4 months.  This Grant set last Sat. as a dead line & I didn't make that so wanted to get them in as early as possible this morning.  

I bought a new black skirt, very long – faile – $6.50 and a pair of shoes which I know you'll question when you see the heels but it's really the high platform.  Otherwise they aren't so high.  Black calf.  17.50 [see diagram about half way down right side of the top page]  I wore them to the Western Reserve Law School dance Friday night which was big success – informal – still need to catch up on my sleep.

Last night went to see "Song of Love" –story of Robert & Clara Schumann [1947 movie starring Katherine Hepburn] very good – music excellent.

Yesterday went to Twilight Concert at Severance which also had wonderful music.

All my very best love,

Sunday, September 23, 2018

1998 Fields letter -Oct.7

While looking for a picture of the New Cumberland Ballantyne house (which didn't show up yet), did find a treasure trove of letters from Jean to her mother which evidently had not been interfiled with all the other letters that we've been going through for the last number of years.  So, we'll take a break from the October "8" letters (after this one) and work in some of the formerly missing, but now found, Jean letters, beginning with those in January of 1948.  

The following letter is from the Fields family, who purchased the Ballantyne house in New Cumberland and turned it into a funeral home.

October 7, 1998
Dear Mrs. Uible,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful pictures with us.  I can't tell you how exciting it was to see what the house looked like before, especially in 1911.  Of course we noticed the difference in the front of the upstairs right away.  We were really happy to see the little balcony porch.  The porch had been closed and we are planning on reopening and restoring it.

If you are ever in the area please feel free to stop and visit.  Do you know the year when the house was built?  We would be interested in any pictures inside or out and would return them to you after they were copied.  My husband Ed, is Allen's youngest son.  We are sending a copy of a recent picture.  We are not finished yet, but well on our way!

Thank you,
Leslie Fields

Saturday, September 22, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Oct.6

Friday morning
October 6, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  It was nice talking to you last night and sorry that we didn't call sooner.  I wondered, Mother if you had gone to the Egyptian place in San Jose.  I'm sure your letter will probably give us more details.

We had a nice drive up to Klamath Falls and arrived around 5:30.  We hadn't driven through the Mt. Shasta area so we were able to see some new scenery.  Saturday morning we had breakfast at Sambo's where the service was much better than our previous meal at Sambo's.  [Sambo's restaurant chain had 1,117 outlets in 1979, but about that same time negative pressure about the name increased and by 1982 the chain was defunct.]  and then it took us about 3.5 hours to get to Madras.  We went straight to the co-op where I met Fred [Gerry's new boss] and he took us to meet our new landlords and we were able to move right into the apartment.  The electricity was on so we had lights to see by and we set up our temporary beds and made ourselves at home.

There are 16 apartments here altogether.  Two long buildings facing each other.  We are at the end of the first building which was built about two years ago and then last year they built the other building.  They are about 40 feet apart.  The laundry room is in a separate building about 10 feet beyond our apartment with 4 washers and 4 dryers – the washers taking 3 dimes and the dryer costing 25¢ for 40 minutes.  We have really been going through the dimes!  Our apartment is on the south end of the building with the kitchen and Wendy's bedroom (plus both bathrooms) on the East side and the living room and our bedroom on the west.  There are 10-20 children (I haven't been able to get a firm count yet) living here and Wendy likes to watch them play.  I've seen a little girl who must be around 2 but I haven't seen any closer to her age yet.  There is a girl named Wendy who must be around 8 and she has a younger brother named Jason.

The only couple we've gotten to know so far lives right across from us and were just married on Sept. 16.  He had been living here since January as he works with the forest service marking trees to be cut on the Indian reservation.  She is from Livermore which is near Oakland, CA.  I have walked down town with her several times (it's about 6 blocks) and they had us over for dinner and to watch the first game of the American League play-offs on TV on Tuesday night.  He is from Kansas City so is hoping that KC can beat the Yankees to go into the world series.

The Co-op is at the north end of town about 1.25 miles from where we live.  The library, post office, town hall, county building are all within about two blocks of each other which makes it convenient.  They are sort of between here and the Co-op so Wendy and I often leave the apt. around 4:00, do our errands and check out the stores and then meet Gerry at 5:30 when he gets off work.  That has the additional advantage that it is down hill going and we avoid having to walk back up the hill.

Rt. 97 goes right through town but the traffic isn't too bad because there are two one-way streets.  We are about four blocks west of there.  I understand the traffic is worse than usual right now because hunting season runs from Sept. 30 to Oct. 8 which is so short that all of the hunters are out at once and 97 is a semi-major route.

After church on Sunday, Fred and his wife, Hazel, took us out to eat at Jerry's which is a chain sort of like Denny's.  Two other couples, friends of theirs, also ate with us.  They said that they had all come here in the late 40's and started farming and now their children are taking over the farms and they are in the process of retiring.  One guy said his 33-year-old son had a doctorate in organic chemistry and two years of post-doctorate work but was unable to find a suitable job so is now farming.

Well, I better save something to write in my next letter.  Wendy is doing fine.  We think she may be cutting some new teeth as she has had a slight fever the past few evenings and she hasn't been sleeping as well.  The windows here are all nearer her level and she especially likes the sliding glass door in the kitchen as she can see the children when they play in the back and there is also a cat that comes around visiting every morning.

We hope you are all doing well and sorry it was so long before you heard from us.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Friday, September 21, 2018

1988 Catherine's Letter -Oct.4

1:00 pm
Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  Grandma & I are sitting in Roberta's car ready to go to the airport.  Here comes Roberta now! 

We got your letter yesterday.  I'm glad the button got there OK – I thought later maybe I shouldn't have mailed it as it might have broken.

The library is having a big craft sale this weekend.  It's a second annual major event, with about 200 booths.  It's being held at the park.

We ate at Hunan Gardens last night.  They had the idea it was Grandma's birthday so they brought a plate of fruit with a candle in the middle.  They also asked if I had lost my keys (which I had been missing since you were here).  They had found them under the table but didn't know how to get in touch with me.  I had no idea I'd left them there so was quite surprised!

Wendy did quite well on her 1st 9 weeks report card.  And she is very happy with the school, her teacher & friends so life is going well for her at the moment.

We're almost to the airport so better close.

Catherine, Gerry &

Thursday, September 20, 2018

1988 Roberta's Letter -Oct.4

[Catherine's letter dated 10/4/88 is on the other side of Roberta's letter.]

Hi!  Thanks for your note & the good-bye to the Browne's – I'm glad I had a chance to meet them.

Next year when G'ma comes I'm going to rent a van & have the middle seat taken out for easy in/out for her.

Grandma got to eat all the lunches at Sr. Village – I do wish she had been here longer so we could have done more – but did get in one successful shopping trip.

Much Love,

Food in BOX!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

1968 Catherine's Letter -Oct.4

October 4, 1968
Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John, and Mary,

Hi!  Gee, was I glad to get that box today.  Just this morning I reached into the closet to get out my umbrella and I realized it wasn't there – but it turned out the rain was all over anyway!  I was also glad to get the books.  I had been borrowing one of our suite mates German books and it was rather inconvenient.  I may not need the white shorts after all as the time of my badminton class has changed so that I can't take it unless I switch some other stuff around.

Yesterday, the box arrived from Sears.  I love my new coat -- haven't worn it yet even though it is freezing cold today.  The black skirt needed hemmed which I did promptly to get it over with.  The blue skirt is too big all over (even though it is the same size as the black one) so I am going to try to return it for a smaller size.

Most IMPORTANT : Last night there was a meeting for all sophomores interested in Career Service.  They told us about a bunch of jobs all over the US and some in South America.  We are each to go for an appointment with the directors of the Career Service office and they stressed the earlier the better.  So, this morning I went in and made an appointment for this afternoon.  There was a information sheet which we had to fill out and under type of job desired I put Nutritional or Food Oriented.  How do you like that?  Anyway, the guy said in all his years he had never had an info sheet like that!  So immediately he runs into this other guys office all excited about a discovery (?).  There is a job in Chelsey (sp?) Mass. (near Boston) in a Soldiers Home which wants someone interested in Food.  Swede (the Career Service man's nickname) thinks this is just the job for me.  But he said I shouldn't make up my mind yet but wait until before Christmas when the job lists come out to see if there is something else I might be more interested in.

Could you send me some pictures of myself -- I think there are some in the bottom drawer (I'm not sure about that) and as I remember they are in a shoe box.  Thanks.

Before classes started I put in 45 hours at Saga but now that has been drastically reduced to two hours a day in the Snack Bar plus special parties.  I have also been doing babysitting.  At the job I had the other night the kids couldn't get over my reading German -- I really had them fascinated, and I didn't have the slightest idea what I was saying myself!  I have a job both tonight and tomorrow night which limits the social life but at least I'll get some studying done!  My German class meets early tomorrow morning, too!  so far, I like German, we are having our first oral test Monday.  Physics is very difficult but I'm still struggling and Biology hasn't gotten into much yet.

Write soon and let me know how everything is.  Thanks for sending all the stuff.  Did the slide rule get lost?  I'm borrowing a guys who isn't taking the course so I don't have to have it.  Hope John had a good birthday.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

1978 GHU Letter to John -Oct.1

[October 1, 1978]
Sun. evening
Dear John –

"Happy Birthday" coming up.  Sorry but it may be going down by the time you get this note & contents.  I evidently have been traveling too much to keep track of the days passing by so quickly.  So any way enjoy the days that come along & use the contents as you wish.

Left Phoenix this morning & arrived in Dayton this afternoon & since your Dad & Mother arrived at the same airport about the same time from Denver we came home together.  So that worked out just right.  Roberta was busy this morning as she helped Aunt Mary off before getting me started.  Aunt Mary left an hour before I did but the time flew by for it takes more time to get me off.  We set the alarm clock for 5:30 so we would have time to make the 7:30 plane out to Fla.

Marion was disappointed as she had hoped to see us off but yesterday she seem to be taking cold & had a miserable night Roberta said so she didn't come out.

We had a nice trip & enjoyed every minute but at times we were too cold at Yellow Stone Park & entirely too hot in Mesa.  You may know that 103º is rather warm.

Hope you are getting along nicely with your work.  "Happy Birthday" & of course many many more. –

Love, Grandma

Monday, September 17, 2018

1968 Catherine's Letter -Sep.30

September 30, 1968
Hi, Mom, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John, and Mary,

Greetings!  I made it through registration!  And wait until you hear what I am taking.  I went to register at 10:30 this morning.  Upperclassmen started registering at 8:30 but seeing as my name is closer to the end of the alphabet I got placed in the last group.  I figured I could rush over to the physics dept. and have my paper signed because I am dropping physics and then rush to some other dept. before Dr. Wright (who is a very persuasive person) had time to talk me into changing my mind.  As soon as I walked in the door of the gym he rushed up and says "I've been looking for you."  Well, I'm signed up for physics, biology, and German.  It's going to be a fun quarter !?!  This will complete my physics sequence and then all I need is about four quarters of chemistry and biology and I have an Interdepartmental major.

Carole got in last night and our suite-mates, Linda and Liz are both here.  We now have a lamp in the room, a rug on the floor, two bath mats, one rug in the bathroom, a collection of kleenex boxes, soap, toothpaste, etc.  Linda and Liz have a stereo which I know was still going when I went to sleep last night (or this morning) about 12:30.

I bought a new pedal (72¢) for my bicycle.  I took it to my friend Mr. VanRyan at the gas station to fix it.  Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that when I went to unlock the bike the lock was so rusty (?) even the maintenance man couldn't get the key to turn the right direction.  He finally took his pinchers or something and opened one of the chain links.  Back to the gas station, after greasing it, heating it, and breaking a wrench trying to get the old part of the pedal off, they finally ended up sawing part of it off and then removing the rest with a pipe wrench.  He also put some rubber tubing type stuff on the right pedal, oiled the chain, raised the seat – just like a brand new bicycle.

There are a few things I need.  No. 1 is my old physics book and my slide rule which I think are in the basement in a box, I hope!  The physics book, as I remember, had a turquoise paper cover, and had Physics 10 written on the front.  It has stuff about magnetism and light on the inside.  Good luck.  I need them soon -- the sooner the better.  Some other kid who dropped the course is loaning me his books in the meantime.  Also don't forget the German book -- it's black -- and the bike lock (4,34,12).

My classes are all in the morning except for badminton which meets Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 2.  You might also send my white shorts which I think are in the bottom drawer of the dresser in Mary's room.

My glasses came Saturday.  I haven't tried them yet so I don't know if they work any better or not.  Wait until you hear what I also found yesterday.  Do you remember the contact I lost last Easter.  Well, it seems that when the freshmen were moving in, one girl's mother was going through my old drawers (which an upperclassman used during the summer) and she found the contact.  She gave it to her daughter, who gave it to her counselor who passed it on to Mrs. M.  Eventually, however, I did get it.  So, I now have an extra left contact lens.

Classes start early tomorrow morning -- like 8:00 German, 9:00 Biology, and 11:00 physics.  Ordinarily they won't meet on Tuesday but all classes meet tomorrow regardless.  I'll be letting you know how everything goes!


Sunday, September 16, 2018

1968 Catherine's Postcard -Sep.29


Hi!  Glad to get your postcard.  I've been working alot, got my bike all fixed up.  the upperclassmen are beginning to pour in!  The guys made it back OK from Oregon.  Sarah and Ray [the newly married couple] have a nice apartment – still pretty unorganized, though.  Registration is tomorrow and I'm still not sure what I want to take.  I'm now working partly through the business office.  My room no. is 402B!


Thursday, September 13, 2018

1978 Jean's Letter to HH & MV -Sep.23

Sat. Sept. 23, 1978
Wendy's birthday
Dearest Harold and Mary Va.,

Got along fine and arrived in San Jose right on time with all the family there to meet me.  Hope that you got along OK with the plastic on the couch (at least that it didn't rain).  Sure hope it fits in the corner where the other one did.

I kept thinking about you all and what you would be doing.  Roberta says Grandma & Aunt Mary got along fine & the former is a better adapter to conditions than the latter.

We jut had a big chef's salad, with the tomatoes, cheese, cucumber and carrots which came from Ohio.  They had turkey, ham, lettuce & red cabbage.  Had planned to have Wendy's cake but she got tired of her high chair.

Everything arrived in good shape and they never checked if I was bringing in fruit or produce.  Roberta said they hadn't checked them coming from Oregon.  Gerry & Catherine had to show them their cooler & they checked every container in spite of their saying they had none.

Wendy got the cutest toy – one side is a slide with two steps and when you turn it over it's a rocker.   It's shown in Sears Catalog.  She has also learned to crawl through it.

Mary talked to Bill & Rob & they are getting along fine but are tired of keeping house for themselves.  They called Grandma "a home wrecker."  Rob's school had to let off two teachers but since he is an "interim" he was kept & thinks he stands a good chance of keeping his job for the teacher he's replacing is from Ft. Lauderdale & may look for work nearer there after her baby is born.

We are all sorry that you aren't here too especially for the birthday.  Should hear soon about housing in Madras but if not they'll drop me off at San Jose on their way north either Thursday or Friday.

Anxious to talk to you tomorrow and hear how the bands activities went Friday and Saturday and baptism on Sunday.

Love from all of us ––
Jean (Mother)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

1998 Calvin Smith Letter -Sep.19

Calvin died about six months later on March 12, 1999.  His wife, Jean, died in 2000.

Calvin C. Smith
33 Gates Circle
Buffalo, NY 14209
September 19, 1998
Dear Harold,

What a very lovely surprise to get your telephone call last night!  I didn't come to the phone right away because I thought it was probably a political call asking for money, of which there are legion these days.  Then a thrill of pleasure when Jean announced you.

It was pleasant to get caught up on at least some of the news from dear old New Vienna: the resurfaced Main St., the scandal among village authorities (at least it wasn't sex), the re-used Streber's store – and your law practice.  I'm glad you enjoy it.

Aside from my terrible summer, about which I spoke at too great length last night, I've been trying to complete the translation of a French book recounting the story of several branches of a merchant and banking family of the minor nobility just before and after the Revolution.  Its Buffalo interest lies in the fact that one of the several sons was Louis "the American," who, after doing business with Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution and one-time owner of most of Western New York, traveled through this area for two years with only a servant, and eventually became in the early 1800's an early settler of Buffalo and one of its early distinguished citizens, Louis Etienne Le Conteulx de Caumont.  I'm now 3/4 of the way through the first draft.  I called the author, a descendant of the Le Conteulx family, when we were last in Paris, and got her permission.

We visited with John & Erica and grandsons Nicholas (7) and Patrick (4) in July up at her grandfather's summer place in Maine on the coast – a large sprawling place with boats and beaches – a lovely interlude that involved driving through delightful country: Mohawk Valley, Adirondack foothills, the Berkshires.

Now it only remains to say Hello to Jean and to wish you and your family good health and much happiness.

Jean sends warm regards.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

1988 MV's Letter -Sep.18

Dear Mom and Dad and Grandma,

Welcome back from Holland!  I hope you had a good trip.  I've had only one postcard thus far but I'm sure they're keeping you busy.

The past 2-3 weeks since arriving back in Wilmore have been very hectic.  Bill Goold was flat on his back in bed for 2 weeks with what the Dr. thought was a herniated or ruptured disc.  So I ended up directing the choir at church and Singing Seminarians here at school and other "little" things necessitated under those two headings.  Today was his first Sunday back in Church and Tuesday he'll be back teaching.  I enjoyed covering for him, but wish I hadn't had all my normal duties to keep after.

Classes are going fine.  I've ended up taking voice lessons for credit because there was a stink raised over me continuing to study with Ginny while not doing so for credit.  So now I'm taking 15 hours this semester.  None of my classes meet more than once a week.  I have one that meets 3 hours once a week (Foundations of Church Growth), 2 that meet 2 hours once a week (Character of a Methodist and Music Ministry to Youth and Adults).  Then there's conducting, Singing Seminarians and Basic Theology.

On October 2 I'm becoming an affiliate member of the UM church here in Wilmore in hopes that will help me with the Kentucky Conference, should I get a church job around here.

I appreciate you transporting John to and from the Walk this weekend.  If you would, there's a comforter (in a box) on the right side of my closet that you could take with you Thursday.  I'll drop him a note of explanation this week.

I have to work Friday and Saturday so I won't be able to there for Candlelight or closing.  I'm sure everything will be fine, I'd just like to be able to be there.

Today I ordered tickets for some performances at the Kentucky Center for the Arts in Louisville – among other things they are having the Radio Stutgard Sumphony (Oct. 31), Kathleen Battle (Soprano in January) and Vladimir Feltzman (Russian Pianist in March).

Anxious to hear about your trip.  The organist at Wilmore U.M. is originally from Holland and wanted information on the trip.

Mary Va.

Monday, September 10, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Sep.18

[postmarked 9/18/78, Boise, Idaho]
Monday AM 8:00
Good Morning!

We just listened to the news – sounds like we made it out of Yellowstone just in time!  And just can't believe the heat wave you all are having!

We are now in Ontario, Oregon, just at the border of Oregon/Idaho.  Stopped yesterday at Boise – saw the capitol – RR station – which looks like a Mission place on coast of California.

I bought a sweatshirt in Idaho Falls – my new sweater I got in NYC – now looks like a sweater I've had since high school – I've lived in it since we left Denver!

Serena's car is doing fine – rides nice – gets good gas mileage (about 20 mpg) by keeping lots of stuff in 1/2 of back seat – except for the sides of the trunk – I keep empty – so very easy to get chair in & out.

We stayed at West Bank in Idaho Falls – right on the water – the tumbling water.  $18 for the 3 of us –$29 if we had faced the water.  Marion's sister has a nice house – full of everything – lots of which Marion had made or gave her.  They took us to this old house – turned restaurant.  We all had sandwiches – their 14-year-old daughter K.... had a $9 steak!

Love, Aberta

Sunday, September 09, 2018

1978 Roberta's Postcard -Sep.14

TOWER FALLS in Yellowstone National Park

[postmarked Sep. 14, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming]

Hi!  Great to talk to you all.  We are waiting for program to start – Winter in Yellowstone – here at the Lake Hotel.  Our room – quite nice – newly remodeled – we don't face the Lake – but forest.  Came down early tonight – enjoyed fireplace here in the lobby.  We timed Old Faithful – just right – only had to wait 5 minutes. 


Saturday, September 08, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Sep.13

Wed. P.M., Sept. 13, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad & Mary Virginia,

Hi!  We haven't gotten a letter from you yet this week but then the mailman hasn't come yet today.  Sorry that Dad won't be coming to California with you, Mother, but we'll be looking forward to seeing you at Christmas time.  Do you think Serena may make it this Christmas?

Wendy is practicing all her tricks so she'll be able to show off for Grandma.  She climbs up on the coffee table but she has learned how to back herself off of it so she doesn't fall off quite as often.  It still makes me nervous when I see her on it though.

Gerry is flying from San Francisco to Redmond, Oregon this Saturday morning and then coming back Saturday evening so it will be a long day.  We are really hoping that it works out but we don't want to be super disappointed if it doesn't.

Is there any chance you will be going to Velvasheen before you come to California?  Gerry could use some more shirts as he wears them to work everyday.  They don't have to be the rugby type.  If not now, then maybe by Christmas.

I met this girl named Kelly at the Newcomers meeting last week.  She has a little boy named Andrew who will be a year old on October 3.  Yesterday Wendy & I went to the park with them.  Andrew is about half the size of Wendy.  He doesn't walk yet but he crawls on his hands & feet (as opposed to Wendy who crawls on her knees) and he can really move.  He also makes about ten times as much noise as she does.  They moved to Gilroy from Maryland.

I will probably try to call you on Sunday or Monday morning as we should know then the outcome of Gerry's interview.  The mailman just came and went and no letter from you.  I'll wait until tomorrow to finish this.  It's now Thursday A.M. and Wendy just went down for her nap.  It is a beautiful day here, warm with sunny blue skies.  I hope the traveling trio is having good weather.  We haven't heard anything from them yet so we are guessing when they will be coming to Gilroy.

Our friends Alice & Bob (she was the co-chairman of the membership committee of the Newcomers with me) are moving to Connecticut today.  She brought us over a couple boxes of food and open jars of stuff they didn't want to take.  One was a box of Roman Meal cereal which I cooked for breakfast this morning.  I liked it alright but Wendy just kept spitting it out.  She likes things she can rub between her fingers before eating better.  The other day she ate a whole peach.  Luckily I was able to get hold of the seed before she swallowed it.

Every time I would open the refrigerator door she would grab this peach which was sitting on the bottom shelf so finally I put her in her highchair and let her have it.  I figured she would gnaw on it for awhile and then throw it on the floor but she ate it.  Yesterday she ate most of a nectarine but I had to peel it first as it had a tougher skin and then it was juicier so she was a real mess by the time she was done.

Kelly and Andrew are coming over right after lunch today so I am going to go ahead and put this out for the mailman.  If there is something in your letter that I'll need to respond to I will just have to send you a post card!

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Friday, September 07, 2018

1978 Roberta's Postcard -Sep.12

Autumn on the Green (Pinedale Wyoming) - mailed 1978

[postmarked Sep. 12, 1978, Pinedale, Wyoming]

31º out – cold – can see my breath - Monday pm

Spending the night here – had a good day today – very scenic – drove just over 300 miles – 44º tonight – but they say it will get down to 20's tonight.  Car has anti-freeze in it – I brought heavy socks – Very windy today – h'ways not crowded at all.  Pd $20 for motel room tonight –

All well –

Thursday, September 06, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Sep.11

Sunday Morning
11:45 AM

We all made connection in Denver w/ no problem – my flight was even 15 minutes early so met Serena & A. Mary at G'ma's gate.  Serena had gotten us 2 rooms at YM – very adequate – we were up on 6th floor – no air c – warm – but w/ windows open very comfortable.

Had dinner last night w/ Pat – her husband works for Col. Public Service – rotates shifts every 9 days – now on 11pm-7am shift – so he was sleeping – but we saw lots of pictures –

Called up I.T. yesterday – met her this AM for b'fast – then went out & picked up a few more antiques for Marion – like a corn planter, oil can, wooden soda case and shears – for scrubs [shrubs?].  Then I dropped Serena, G'ma, A. Mary here for church – I went back to YM w/ I.T. – got back here so late hated to go upstairs – service started at 10:55 – they have loud speaker in here –

Serena's car runs good – I'm thinking about going out 70 West then cutting up North – we went I-25 last year –

Mom – I'll be seeing you in California – will plan for G'ma to fly back 1st October –

With wheelchair, walker – 2 suitcases – my overnight bag – we just have a full trunk – I brought small thermos and orange/yellow cooler that I had in New Vienna – so maybe will do some picnicking.


Wednesday, September 05, 2018

1968 Catherine's postcard to Roberta -Sep.11

Holiday Inn Oak Ridge TN postcard -mailed 1968


Hi!  I'm meeting Dad in Omaha tomorrow.  The weather here has been beautiful.  Yesterday we sold old newspapers in the airport.  How's school?

Love, Catherine

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Sep.7

[postmarked 9/7/78]
Thursday AM
Good Morning!

Seems really funny not working – or  looking for work either – for a week tho I'm not minding it at all!

We came home to a very clean place – w/ a refrigerator full of food – Marion was pleasantly surprised – the A/C was on – which sure felt good!  I'm having to get used to the heat all over again!

Have been out swimming every day – yesterday was out 2.5 hours in afternoon – and I'm actually a little RED!

Plane ticket & letter came yesterday – THANKS!  Good news about Gerry getting the job – are you still planning on going out to Gilroy end of the month?

I have been working on my stitchery – have another small one almost done.

We did have a good trip home – all 3 of us in the front.  Marion bought a hump [?] book trunk & a victrola (old record player) & lots of other antiques.  Wait till you see them!

Alot of new people here at 948 S. Alma.

Getting together today for lunch w/ Mesa Central people – should be interesting!


Monday, September 03, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Sep.5

Tuesday A.M., September 5, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad, & Mary Virginia,

Hi!  We survived the Labor Day Weekend and Gerry has gone off for his first day of work at Bearing Specialty.  There is also another development – Gerry got a call from Farmers Co-op in Madras, Oregon over the weekend and they are looking for a parts manager (IH-farm dealer) as the present one is starting in Merrill on November 1.  Gerry is going to fly to Redmond on the 16th to talk to the dealer.  Hughes Air West flies there twice a day from San Francisco.  We went through Madras on our summer journeyings – it is a small town with a Safeway store and an A&W.  We aren't too thrilled about living in San Jose so this may be a good alternative but we are trying not to get too hopeful about it until Gerry has talked to them.  If we stay in Gilroy Gerry has to count on an hour of commuting time each way which makes for a longer day.

Wendy woke up when we got up at 5:30 and then I put her down for her nap at 7:30 since she couldn't keep her eyes open.  It will taker her awhile to adjust to the new schedule.  We had some fried corn meal mush for breakfast a couple of times last week and she really gobbled it up.  Do you ever have that anymore?  I'm sure it had been 10 years since I had it last – it sure tasted good.  I'm going to make some more this week.  Wendy is getting braver about standing up.  She will let go of her support for a few seconds now and her balance is getting much better.  She likes to climb up on the wicker foot stool as if it were a step but then all she can do is get back down the same way – she will repeat that about a dozen times before going on to something else.  And when we say "No" she shakes her head back at us.

It is sprinkling outside right now.  It is the first rain here since June.  I was hoping to go to the library and the grocery later on today so I hope it clears up.  I'll have to train Wendy to hold an umbrella over our heads on the bicycle.  Wouldn't that be cute!

No, we never got your letter that was mailed to Oregon.  They said they would forward it if it came.  I thought maybe it had been returned to you.

I am thinking about getting a part time job if we stay around this area.  Most of the day care centers take children over two but I did find one infant care center which I am going to check out tomorrow.  And then I don't know how easy it will be to find a part-time job.  We'll see.

Just rec'd your letter and happy to hear you will be visiting soon!  Either Sat. or Sunday (23 or 24) will be fine with us.  Saturday would give you an extra day here so I would opt for that.  Whatever fits your schedule best is fine with us.

Thanks for the $.  We'll discuss repayment plans when you are here.  We look forward to seeing you soon!  I won't be using the canner this year so don't worry about it.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Saturday, September 01, 2018

1968 Catherine's postcard -Sep.6

Hi!  How's everybody doing in school?  I will be coming home with Dad and Grandma next Saturday.  Tomorrow we leave for Delta [Colorado].  There has been snow up in the mountains.  Thanks for sending the mail.  We got $45 to spend on Sarah's gift – got her lots of nice stuff.  I bought a new dress

Love, Catherine

Items from Uible photo album