Thursday, December 29, 2016

1936 HH's writing ~Dec.30


(Spelling and grammar were probably not a priority, and have not been corrected.)
[written between Christmas and New Year's Day 1936]

Today it has been raining, last night went to see Cristmas tree lane.  It was a mile half long with grown pines.

We went down [to] San Digo the weekend before exmas that night we went down in to Mexico, they had the longest bar in the world.  The longest next day we went to the naval base on the islands.  We visited Ramona's marrage place in old town San D.

We started for Los Angeles that afternoon.  I've have only went twice swiming in the Pacif the other time in B. Pools.

For Christmas I got game of monopoly, play dog, nuts, 4 bannas in stockings.  My cousin got a football and a couple other things.  He has been trying to teach me to play football.

Half of the presents was for Srena Pugh a baby that has not been born.  [Serena Reynolds Pugh, 1914-1968 and her husband, Keith E. Pugh 1914-?, were expecting a baby at Christmas time, 1936.  Keith Pugh, Jr. was born a few months later.]

We may leave for San Francisco if it clears up.

We leave for Fla. Jan. 5, 1937.  Our address will be 915, 13 Ave. (or B. St.?)  We stayed there last year.  We had a white tinted tree for Christmas.

Harold H. Uible

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