Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1912 Postcard from Cecil to Gladys - Sept. 18

This is one of a very few cards that is written by Cecil.  He must have been traveling around, by train we can assume, for his grocery business.  Transcription follows.
Gooddale Park, Columbus, Ohio postcard, postmarked 18-Sep-1912.
1912 Postcard from CJ to Gladys Uible - Sept. 18
[postmarked 2:30 PM Sep 18 1912.]
Dear Glady:
In Col today.  Was in Cincy yesterday.  Get home tonight.  Hope to see you soon and will tell you how much miss am I. [I miss you? mess?]  I hope you are feeling allright by now.  With love, Cecil.

Gooddale Park has either changed the spelling of the name to Goodale Park or is spelled incorrectly on this card.  Assuming that it is spelled incorrectly, the park is in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, and served as a staging area for new recruits to the Union Army in 1861.

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