Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 1892,1989-99 Grandma's Birthday

Dad's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Wednesday 1892 - Gladys Hiestand born in Hillsboro, Ohio.

Thursday 1989 - MV, G'ma, Mary and Bill drove to Columbus to meet John for breakfast at Bob Evans at I-275 and Hamilton Rd.  Then he flies to Chicago to visit with International Teams in Europe [according to John this is the mission group that he eventually went with to Eastern Europe and distributed Bibles].

Friday 1990 - G'ma's 98th birthday, we met the Carr's at the Wooden Spoon for supper, buffet $6.95, shrimp, etc., drinks 60¢.  She got a lot of cards.  Sent in $ for China trip.  Told GHU about the "Hugo" jokes.  [About the 1989 Hurricane in FL?]  She seems so good.  GG brought her a fruit pizza.

Saturday 1991 - Brought GHU to our house at noon, she stood the trip real well, though went to sleep en route back to Hillsboro.  We were gone 2½ hours.  Jean had a super meal of turkey, potatoes, beets and broccoli (both out of our garden), and strawberry shortcake.  The Morgans went golfing at Snow Hill at 8AM.  We went to Hillsboro for dinner at Parker House ($7.50 each) – Texas menu: bean soup, fajitas (chicken and beef), and mud pie.  Jonesey (Jones) brought us plenty of tea and water and ice.  Only two people [in the dinner theater performance of Greater Tuna] but they played about 20 parts – what a run to change clothes.   Drove out to the fairgrounds to see all the bikers in their tents, etc., about 2800.  John and Julie left at 2PM as were going back to Newark to get truck to drive to Illinois and back within 24 hours. 

Monday 1992 - Sid going back to Phoenix today, John and Julie leave for London.  GHU too sleepy to come to New Vienna.  Talked to MV, she has been to M.D. today and goes back on Friday, may have to do a "C" section.  Joe gave me some fingering lessons on the piano.

Tuesday 1993 - [Ginny visiting]

Thursday 1995 - [ElderHostel Marine Expeditions program through 6/27]

Saturday 1996 - [ElderHostel program to Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary, returning 6/22 -- no new posts in 1996 yet so still may be en route home]

Sunday 1997 - Potluck at Church.  Jean working on hanging up pictures in our hallway.  Jerome Walker has broken hip.

Tuesday 1999 - Went to Columbus to wind up Simmons Estate.  Met Jean and Sereana at CPL, then to Rigsby's Kitchen for lunch, street parking is 37½ minutes for 25¢.  Went to Thurber Village and [met] Cathy (she married her stock broker about 4 months ago) and has had this job 10 years.  The new arena is going up in Columbus.  Serena wanted to go to Liz Claiborne in first mall, then had refreshments at Wendy's.  Finished painting trim around our front and back door.  Article in WSJ (B2) about JK Harris and Co. of Charleston SC, have 150 offices in 19 states.  [Now have 325 locations in 43 states]

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