Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 12, 1989-99 Piano Lesson

Notes from Dad's Diary 1989-1999

Thursday 1989 - Had first piano lesson with Virginia Hildebrant at 12:45.  Jim Erbaugh back from his knee operation, he is hooked on cigarettes.  Spent $8.25 on gas at 85.9/gallon, 1% milk = $1.49

Friday 1990 - Busy day at office, Dorothy Ellis passed away.

Saturday 1991 - Called Mary [Horton], they think they will be up on 1/24 but no reservations.  Mother having breakfast and still not awake.  Bill's brother Cris is terminal.  Norman Vincent Peale spoke on Schulers program tonight, he is 92.  Mother has so much trouble coughing.  Sue Sears married.

Sunday 1992 - After seeing Mother we went to Columbus to meet John & Julie at Bombay [B...?] Club at East Gate, most entrees $7.95.  Got gas in WCH at 87.9

Tuesday 1993 - Busy day at the office.  Jean went to UMW meeting at Wilma Croghan's.  Roberta is talking about taking a group to China.  Looking at Rev. Stewart tape on the Israel trip, spends a lot of time looking at the same thing.

Friday 1996 - Anderson appraisal in Hillsboro, More snow last night.  Barneys in NYC files for bankruptcy.  Irene Woods son-in-law got a replacement kidney after waiting for 3 years

Sunday 1997 - Had SS lesson Acts 4.  Ate at Frischs in Hillsboro.  Quarantine at H.C.R.

1 comment:

Mary Uible Crowson said...

interesting price comparison today:
Gas $2.65/gallon
Milk $1.99/gallon
Postage .44/first class

They sure have not kept pace with each other!

Items from Uible photo album