Thursday, August 15, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -June 19

Tuesday, June 19, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Roberta & Mary,

Hi!  I guess the capital letters have the jumps today.  We were glad to get your letter yesterday and to talk to Mom & Dad on Saturday and hear about Mary Virginia's progress.

I am going to try to make our reservations for Christmas when we go to the airport on Thursday.  Our tentative plans are to leave Portland on Dec. 15 and spend the first week in Ohio, then fly to Boston on the 23rd and return to Portland on the 30th.  I'm very sorry that we can't spend Christmas in Ohio but we feel like we are somewhat obligated to spend Christmas with Gerry's family since we have never spent a holiday with them.  If we could only figure out some way to be in two places at once.  Also it would mean that our longest flight would be the return one which is when we gain the most time.  Will that work in OK with whatever plans you have?

We got a 19" color TV yesterday.  It is a Zenith and is really a change from our small black & white.  We gave up on that one that Chambers had.  It is still tied up with the insurance company, would have had no warranty plus we would have had to go to Eugene to pick it up.  We are really enjoying the movies on HBO.  It costs $10 per month but we figure it would a minimum of $10 if we were to go to one movie a month in Bend plus the fact that we hate to drive that far.  It is also nice not to have the movies cut up by commercials.  They show the same movie several times during a month on different days and at different times so you can watch it when it is most convenient.

I was supposed to go to court this week because of this one tenant who hadn't paid their rent.  However the tenant came up with the money so the judge said we'd have to take the money and give them 30-day notice to move if we wanted them out.  I had already given them the 30-day notice on June 6th so now we'll see if they are out of the apartment by July 6th or if we'll have to go back to court.  At any rate I am becoming more familiar with the necessary legal processes involved.

Hope Mary Virginia continues to improve and is home soon.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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