Friday, August 23, 2019

1969 Jean's letter to John -June 30

June 30, 1969
Dearest John,

The weather has really been hot here but imagine it is about the same at Yellow Springs and Camp Birch.  Hope you are enjoying everything.  Serena really had a full day by working at the school til after three and then delivering all the papers but was home by 5:00 and didn't seem too poohed out.  Hope all the substitutes did as well.  She said she saw Benny somewhere along the way.  We combined your route and hers and it worked real well.  Only one person was forgotten and you didn't have them written down so it really wasn't her fault and when I copied the list to combine them I never caught it.  They didn't call til 8:00 and by then Daddy had taken Serena and Mary Virginia swimming.  Roberta was gone with the other car so I told her if she forgot anyone too far I wasn't excited about going too far on the bicycle to deliver but guess where the one forgotten was -- Kiblers -- so it could have been alot worse.

We are getting alot of heat lightning or something.  It sounds like a bowling alley overhead.  There were tornado warnings out but they recalled them a couple of hours ago.  Some place must be getting something!!!

I heard on the radio this morning that Jerri Baker was in the hospital for surgery so while I was taking Wiggles for a walk this evening by some coincidence we got over that way and asked Mrs. Baker.  She said that she had had her adenoids taken out on Saturday -- felt real bad then but it is all she can do to keep her quiet today.

It seems like you have been gone a real long time and no doubt it does to you too.  Roberta got back this evening and plans to go to Dayton early tomorrow morning and stay for a couple of days.  It sure seems strange with just four of us here most of the time.

How did you like that card that Mary Virginia sent you.  She came in and typed it out all by herself -- just happened to get one with a stamp on it.  She wasn't too happy that Daddy readdressed it so you might get it.  If anyone thinks you get cards written in code you will know what they are referring to.

We haven't heard from Catherine since you left but hope to hear from her tomorrow morning and perhaps a card from you too.

Boy it really is raining, and storming now and the fire siren just went off -- don't know where the fire is but the siren hasn't blown too long but has a couple of times.  Perhaps we'll have more to write about tomorrow.

Received your card and CONGRATULATIONS are in order for trying for the Beginner Swimmer title.  You really got alot on that postcard -- almost needed a microscope to read it.  Maybe I mean magnifying glasses.  Anyway we were real happy to hear from you and hear how things are going.  Have they gotten down to your feet yet and checked on that splinter -- any bother?

We haven't heard from Catherine yet so guess her letter will wait to be mailed til we get confirmation of her new address.  Perhaps we will hear this afternoon.  I miss my mail carrier, errand runner and delivery boy not to mention gardener.  The rain we got last night really helped your garden (and ours) and helped cool things off alot.  Roberta left before five this morning.  Will send you card down to show Grandma when Mary Virginia mails this.  Know you are as happy to receive mail as we ar so keep the cards coming.

All our very best love and 

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