Sunday, March 03, 2013

1983 Catherine's letter - March 3

Madras Oregon in March 1983. . . .  This letter was written on the back side of the Friends of the Library flyer.  Transcription follows.

  Thursday, March 3, 1983

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  Another month and I see it will be your anniversary.  Has it ever been on Easter before? I heard a rumor you might be coming out this direction in the near future?  Is there any truth to that?  We'd love to have you anytime.  Several people have asked if any of our relatives will be coming for the Elks installation of Officers which will be April 2nd.

We had a pretty good turnout for the Friends of the Library meeting.  The regular scheduled board meeting was held at 12:00 so all the Board Members were able to stick around for this.  We sent out about 60 invitations plus printed it in the newspaper and probably had a turn out of 20.  They appointed a Chairman and a Secretary and set up several committees to get started on different projects.  I was very encouraged by the response.

I am taking Wendy to the Doctor today for the third time in about six weeks.  She is not sick (she is very healthy actually) but she this [sic] constant runny nose and congestion which must be either allergy or asthma.  The Dr. said it should be treated like a cold first and then go on to other measures if that didn't work so we'll see what happens today.

I am now working on the Elks Club books for February and feeling very encouraged that I will only are have one more month to go.  At the end of March I will also have to do the quarterly report for the Lodge and all the quarterly payroll forms but then I will be done!!!  The last Club report will be due April 19th so I will be completely finished with Elks book work by that date.  I'm looking forward to having some extra time.

I need to be getting to the Post Office so I better close.


C, G & W

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