Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1962 - John the Literal Kid

John was certainly the secondary person of honor at the Golden Wedding Anniversary Open House for Cecil and Gladys Hiestand Uible on June 17, 1962.  Not only did he have the natural cuteness of a courteous and precocious 4-year-old, but he was uniquely not only "John," but the youngest and only Uible grandson, his three older boy cousins being Hortons.  Transcription follows.
John's 1962 Open House quote clipping - Wilmington News-Journal

The Passing Show by I.C. Clinton
OPEN HOUSE–When Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Uible celebrated their golden wedding with open house their four-year-old grandson, John, tended the door.  The family noticed he held it open all the time, not just for entering or departing callers.  They suggested he close it when no one was entering.

He answered "You told me this was open house."
John - 1987 Clipping "25 years ago" story about Open House - Wilmington News-Journal

John - 1987 Clipping "25 years ago" story about Open House

25 Years ago
July 8, 1962
I.C. Clinton seems to agree with Art Linkletter – children say (and do) the darndest things.  When Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Uible celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with an open house, their 4-year-old grandson, John, tended the door.  The family noticed he held it open all the time, not only for entering or departing callers.  They suggested he close it when no one was entering.  

John answered, "You told me this was open house."  Literal kid, that little kid.

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