Monday, September 13, 2021

Sunday evening
September 13, 1981

Dearest Family --

It has been a beautiful week and lovely weekend for Clinton County's Annual Corn Festival.  It has developed into quite an occasion -- three days of activities with displays of apple butter, sorghum (in the making), all kinds of antiques -- gr???iles, trucks, farm equipment as well as household articles.  Of course, with that are food booths -- many specializing in corn -- on the cob, fried, chowder, fritters, dogs, etc.  We went over last night to help with the square dancing and back today to work at the chicken barbecue sponsored by the Historical Society.  That was sufficient to last for another year but each year sees many improvements.  Glad that East Clinton didn't have a booth this year though.

Do hope all the travelers had a good trip and anxious to hear some about both -- the one to Alaska and also the one to Florida.  Hope no news is good news from Grandma and Roberta -- received a letter written in Mesa and mailed in Los Angeles.  Also one from John and Carol with a picture of the famous Breakers and glad to hear that Hortons and Mr. Garnett had time available for entertaining them.  Know they they appreciated the hospitality.

Mary Virginia did a good job singing for the Christian Woman's Club last Thursday.  She had been invited to sing the month before but we wouldn't have been back from New Orleans until that day so they postponed it for a month.  Of course she had to get out of school and Mr. Wilson, the band director was unhappy that she wasn't there for practice before the first home game but it all went well with the band show Friday evening.  The football game was a disaster -- East Clinton lost to Amelia [? -- this is a poor carbon copy and hard to read]  41-6 and three of the players were injured -- two rather badly --  we think they had a rough team (the opponents that is) -- they were AAA and our small team is just A.

Catherine and Roberta just called to report that they had arrived at the Morgans and had a safe and good trip and spoke glowingly about the cruise.  Grandma was the oldest passenger so given preferential treatment.  If they timed it right they could have 7 meals a day -- and Grandma could have her salt-free diet.  She especially enjoyed the fish.  The weather wasn't too good to get off the ship but she had disembarked in Juneau so had gotten to see the capital city.

Yesterday, Dad was in Columbus for the semi-annual meeting of the Ohio Bar Committee which was held at the new Marriott.  Near there is a new shopping area called the "French Quarter" . . . all the buildings are built to resemble a street in France, you know the atmosphere idea deluxe.  I wandered in one men's store out of curiousity and the cheapest suit was $220.00, so there was no temptation.  Thursday afternoon was a trip to Cincinnati to call upon Super X for next year's business.  The old story the buyer wants a bigger advertising allowance, so we are going to raise the price enough so we can give him the "discount".  It must help his bonus with the company to get increased advertising allowances.

We haven't heard anymore about Joe Horton's schedule since our last letter, but we do plan to be in NYC Oct. 18-22 for the Spring Toy Show.   This year will soon be gone.

Donald Kerrick, about 39, was killed in a motorcycle accident this past week.  There are so many chuck holes in the roadways that it is a BIG wonder there are not more accidents.

Kelly Greene is home on furlough but said he was keeping phone off hook so he wouldn't get called back so quickly.  He now has a mustache.  Dad says he is to go back to Texas.  Keith Rankin is no longer singing with the Messengers but they have someone also taking his place.

[Much love to all . . . .]

1 comment:

Mary Uible Crowson said...

Interesting! Yes, the school/football team is Amelia (Cincy area) and maybe the word hard to read is automobiles? If antiques, etc, anything with a motor or farm equipment, that would work?
Love reading these everyday, Catherine! THANK YOU for the inordanant (sp?) and extraordinary amount of time and energy you continue to pour into this endeavor!

Items from Uible photo album