Thursday, September 23, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -Sep.26


Dear Family,

Hi -- I've almost made it through my 1st week -- and that feels like quite an accomplishment!  Right now we are busy trying to crank up donations -- from wash clothes to major appliances!  What an experience -- I've been on the phone -- whenever there isn't some sort of meeting!  Don't know which I prefer the most!

It looks to me like I won't be moving till at least the middle of October -- we hired the home health aides this AM -- starting out w/ 2 full time -- #3 to be added in November or December.

We've gotten lots of referrals -- for people to live in the S. Village.  But so much paper work -- Red Tape --everything moves so slowly.  I think the fastest thing the County has done in years -- was to hire me!!

I sure enjoyed G'ma's visit -- of course our trip to Alaska & Catherine's was great.  Except for that one day -- of sea sickness -- I'm ready to take off on a Round the World trip -- but maybe I better work a couple of years 1st.  Hoping that G'ma, the wheelchair, bike, etc. -- all made it -- safe & sound to Columbus -- We had quite a scene at the airport -- but I stood my ground & all worked out fine.

For this week & next I've been at the Long Term Care Office -- 20th Street -- just north of the airport.  Ann & I both hate the rush hour traffic -- so we have been coming in by 8:30 (instead of 8:00) that means I can get here in 45-50 minutes -- instead of 1 hour 15-20 minutes.  Then we stay till about 5:15 -- & avoid the aft. rush.  It's the first time I've ever had to fight the traffic -- for now Marion is carpooling w/ Sally.  She moved just about 2 miles from us.  Needless to say -- don't think she is too happy about our upcoming move.

We will have use of a Red Cross Van on weekends at the project.  I've made arrangements to buy a good used car -- Remember AL -- the very thin man (82 years old) at the Center.  He died & I'm getting the car through his estate -- (his daughter is exec--).  It's a 1974 (I think) Dodge Swinger -- (sound familiar?)  Only has about 40,000 miles -- in A-1 shape.  Paying $775 for it -- we are selling the beige Vespa Scooter -- & hope to get enough to pay for the car out of it.  The area we are moving is CITY -- & we don't feel we would use the bike.  Dad -- are you interested in it?  I would send it your way -- if I had a way to get it there.

I've started to pack boxes -- it's a long process -- going to stay here this weekend & work on it.  I'm tempted to call a prof. mover & get an estimate.  It's about 50 miles one way to the new house -- so expensive to borrow a truck & make many trips ourselves.  With our furniture it means  2  trips w/ the small time movers.  Also we had alot of small problems w/ the last move.

Actually -- Marion wants the furniture to stay till the home sells -- so that means it might be awhile until moving day.  Just move clothes & excessive furniture now -- portable T.V. -- dressers in the closets, etc.

We can borrow beds from the State Prison till ours are moved & wish the house would sell tomorrow.
The realtor says we based upon experience in the past -- will be lucky to get 20% back on the investments we put in the house -- Paint, Carpet, Garage door, Drapes, etc.)  I'm just glad we didn't have a dish washer put in.  I've really learned alot (am learning) about the Real Estate World.

OK -- gotta go -- hope all of you can read my scribbles --

Love to All,

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